A command-line tool for dumping data out of Velociraptor data store files into both super-timelines as well as individual artifact CSVs.
It's often useful to use Velociraptor (either online or offline) as a tool for collecting data, than to use said data through more traditional tooling such as Excel, Timeline Explorer, Timesketch, Splunk, Elastic, etc.
While Velociraptor does support certain integrations, I found it easier to work with the data by mass-extracting it from individual JSON files into CSV - hence, VTC.
By default, only a subset of artifacts (listed below) are parsed into the super-timelines - but all artifacts, even those without a parser, can be cross-client dumped using -artifactdump into aggregated CSVs.
- Building a summarized super-timeline from any supported artifacts present in Velociraptor (per-client)
velo-timeline-creator.exe -velodir "C:\velodatastore"
velo-timeline-creator.exe -velodir "C:\velodatastore" -mftlight
velo-timeline-creator.exe -velodir "C:\velodatastore" -mftfull
- Dumping out all supported artifacts across all clients to individual CSV files
velo-timeline-creator.exe -velodir "C:\velodatastore" -artifactdump
velo-timeline-creator.exe -velodir "C:\velodatastore" -artifactdump -mftlight
velo-timeline-creator.exe -velodir "C:\velodatastore" -artifactdump -mftfull
Since MFT can be a very 'heavy' artifact, we exclude related artifacts by default and only parse these when -mftlight or -mftfull is enabled at the command-line.
-mftfull parses the entire artifact without any exclusions. -mftlight only includes files that have 'interesting' extensions in the output
- If you have an artifact you want to include, open an Issue with the name of the artifact as well as a single event from the resultant JSON (usually from a location like C:\VELODATASTORE\clients\C.*\artifacts\ARTIFACTHERE\SomeFile.JSON)
- Ideally, you provide me the entire JSON output (sanitized where needed) so I can include it in some parsing tests
Anything not included below will not appear in the super-timeline but will appear in an artifact dump using the generic parser. Anything marked as 'No' below will be cleanly parsed into an artifact dump but will still not appear in the super-timeline due to lack of an appropriate time-based key.
Artifact Name | Super Timeline Support | Time Field |
DetectRaptor.Generic.Detection.WebshellYara | Yes | Ctime |
DetectRaptor.Windows.Detection.Amcache | Yes | KeyMTime |
DetectRaptor.Windows.Detection.Applications | Yes | KeyLastWriteTimestamp |
DetectRaptor.Windows.Detection.BinaryRename | Yes | Mtime |
DetectRaptor.Windows.Detection.Evtx | Yes | EventTime |
DetectRaptor.Windows.Detection.HijackLibsEnv | Yes | TimestampsSI.LastModified0X10 |
DetectRaptor.Windows.Detection.HijackLibsMFT | Yes | TimestampsSI.LastModified0X10 |
DetectRaptor.Windows.Detection.LolDriversVulnerable | Yes | KeyMTime |
DetectRaptor.Windows.Detection.MFT | Yes | SI_Created |
DetectRaptor.Windows.Detection.NamedPipes | Yes | EventTime |
DetectRaptor.Windows.Detection.Powershell.ISEAutoSave | Yes | FileInfo.Mtime |
DetectRaptor.Windows.Detection.Powershell.PSReadline | Yes | FileInfo.Mtime |
DetectRaptor.Windows.Detection.Webhistory | Yes | VisitTime |
DetectRaptor.Windows.Detection.ZoneIdentifier | Yes | HostTimestampsSI.Mtime |
Exchange.Custom.Windows.Nirsoft.LastActivityView | Yes | ActionTime |
Exchange.HashRunKeys | No | |
Exchange.Windows.Applications.DefenderDHParser | Yes | Detection.ThreatTrackingStartTime |
Exchange.Windows.Applications.LECmd | Yes | SourceCreated |
Exchange.Windows.Applications.OfficeServerCache | Yes | Modified |
Exchange.Windows.Detection.Malfind | Yes | CreateTime |
Exchange.Windows.Detection.PipeHunter | No | |
Exchange.Windows.Detection.PrefetchHunter | Yes | CreationTime |
Exchange.Windows.EventLogs.Bitsadmin | Yes | EventTime |
Exchange.Windows.EventLogs.Chainsaw | Yes | EventTime |
Exchange.Windows.EventLogs.CondensedAccountUsage | Yes | EventTime |
Exchange.Windows.EventLogs.EvtxHussar | Yes | EventTime |
Exchange.Windows.EventLogs.Hayabusa | Yes | Timestamp |
Exchange.Windows.EventLogs.LogonSessions | Yes | Start |
Exchange.Windows.EventLogs.RDPClientActivity | Yes | Start |
Exchange.Windows.Forensics.Clipboard | Yes | CreatedTime |
Exchange.Windows.Forensics.FileZilla | No | |
Exchange.Windows.Forensics.Jumplists_JLECmd | Yes | SourceCreated |
Exchange.Windows.Forensics.PersistenceSniper | No | |
Exchange.Windows.Forensics.ThumbCache | No | |
Exchange.Windows.Forensics.Trawler | No | |
Exchange.Windows.Forensics.UEFI | Yes | Mtime |
Exchange.Windows.Forensics.UEFI.BootApplication | Yes | Ctime |
Exchange.Windows.Memory.InjectedThreadEx | Yes | ThreadStartTime |
Exchange.Windows.NTFS.Timestomp | Yes | CreatedTimestamps.Created0X10 |
Exchange.Windows.Office.MRU | Yes | Timestamp |
Exchange.Windows.Registry.BackupRestore | Yes | ModTime |
Exchange.Windows.Registry.CapabilityAccessManager | Yes | LastUsedTimeStart |
Exchange.Windows.Registry.COMAutoApprovalList | Yes | Mtime |
Exchange.Windows.Registry.Domain | Yes | ModTime |
Exchange.Windows.Registry.NetshHelperDLLs | Yes | Modified |
Exchange.Windows.Registry.ScheduledTasks | Yes | Mtime |
Exchange.Windows.Sys.LoggedInUsers | Yes | StartTimestamp |
Exchange.Windows.System.BinaryVersion | Yes | SITimestamps.Created0X10 |
Exchange.Windows.System.Powershell.ISEAutoSave | Yes | Mtime |
Exchange.Windows.System.PrinterDriver | Yes | PE.FileHeader.TimeDateStamp |
Exchange.Windows.System.WindowsErrorReporting | Yes | Timestamp |
Exchange.Windows.System.WMIProviders | No | |
Exchange.Windows.Timeline.Prefetch.Improved | Yes | EventTime |
Generic.Applications.Chrome.SessionStorage | No | |
Generic.Applications.Office.Keywords | Yes | OfficeMtime |
Generic.Client.DiskSpace | No | |
Generic.Client.DiskUsage | No | |
Generic.Client.Info | Some | LastLogin |
Generic.Detection.Yara.Zip | Yes | Mtime |
Generic.Forensic.SQLiteHunter | Most | Mixed Fields - LastAccess/Visit Mostly |
Generic.Forensic.Timeline | Yes | Mtime |
Generic.Network.InterfaceAddresses | No | |
Generic.System.ProcessSiblings | Yes | StartTime |
Generic.System.Pstree | Yes | StartTime |
Network.ExternalIpAddress | No | |
Windows.Analysis.EvidenceOfDownload | Yes | Mtime |
Windows.Analysis.EvidenceOfExecution | Yes | |
Windows.Applications.ChocolateyPackages | No | |
Windows.Applications.Chrome.Extensions | No | |
Windows.Applications.Chrome.History | Yes | VisitTime |
Windows.Applications.Edge.History | Yes | VisitTime |
Windows.Applications.Firefox.Downloads | Yes | StartTime |
Windows.Applications.Firefox.History | Yes | VisitTime |
Windows.Applications.NirsoftBrowserViewer | Yes | Visited |
Windows.Applications.OfficeMacros | No | |
Windows.Carving.USN | Yes | TimeStamp |
Windows.Detection.Amcache | Yes | KeyMTime |
Windows.Detection.BinaryHunter | Yes | File.Timestamps.Mtime |
Windows.Detection.EnvironmentVariables | No | |
Windows.Detection.ForwardedImports | No | |
Windows.Detection.Impersonation | No | |
Windows.Detection.Mutants | No | |
Windows.EventLogs.AlternateLogon | Yes | EventTime |
Windows.EventLogs.Evtx | Yes | TimeCreated |
Windows.EventLogs.Modifications | Yes | Mtime |
Windows.EventLogs.PowershellModule | Yes | EventTime |
Windows.EventLogs.PowershellScriptblock | Yes | EventTime |
Windows.EventLogs.RDPAuth | Yes | EventTime |
Windows.Forensics.Bam | Yes | BamTime |
Windows.Forensics.CertUtil | Yes | DownloadTime |
Windows.Forensics.Lnk | Yes | SourceFile.Mtime |
Windows.Forensics.PartitionTable | No | |
Windows.Forensics.RDPCache | Yes | Atime |
Windows.Forensics.RecycleBin | Yes | DeletedTimestamp |
Windows.Forensics.SAM | Yes | CreatedTime, ParsedF.LastLoginDate |
Windows.Forensics.Shellbags | Yes | Parsed.ShellBag.Extension.LastAccessed |
Windows.Forensics.SRUM | Yes | TimeStamp |
Windows.Forensics.Timeline | Yes | LastExecutionTS |
Windows.Forensics.Usn | Yes | Timestamp |
Windows.KapeFiles.Targets | Yes | Created |
Windows.Memory.ProcessInfo | No | |
Windows.Network.ArpCache | No | |
Windows.Network.ListeningPorts | No | |
Windows.Network.Netstat | Yes | Timestamp |
Windows.Network.NetstatEnriched | Yes | Timestamp |
Windows.NTFS.MFT | Yes | Created0X10 |
Windows.Persistence.PermanentWMIEvents | No | |
Windows.Registry.AppCompatCache | Yes | ModificationTime |
Windows.Registry.NTUser | Yes | Mtime |
Windows.Registry.PuttyHostKeys | Yes | Mtime |
Windows.Registry.RDP | Yes | LastWriteTime |
Windows.Registry.RecentDocs | Yes | LastWriteTime |
Windows.Registry.Sysinternals.Eulacheck | Yes | TimeAccepted |
Windows.Registry.UserAssist | Yes | LastExecution |
Windows.Registry.WDigest | Yes | LastModified |
Windows.Sys.AllUsers | No | |
Windows.Sys.CertificateAuthorities | No | |
Windows.Sys.DiskInfo | No | |
Windows.Sys.Drivers | Yes | DriverDate, InstallDate |
Windows.Sys.FirewallRules | No | |
Windows.Sys.Interfaces | No | |
Windows.Sys.PhysicalMemoryRanges | No | |
Windows.Sys.Programs | Yes | KeyLastWriteTimestamp |
Windows.Sys.StartupItems | No | |
Windows.Sys.Users | Yes | HomedirMtime |
Windows.Sysinternals.Autoruns | Yes | Time |
Windows.System.Amcache | Yes | LastModified, KeyMTime |
Windows.System.AuditPolicy | No | |
Windows.System.CatFiles | No | |
Windows.System.DLLs | No | |
Windows.System.DNSCache | No | |
Windows.System.Handles | No | |
Windows.System.HostsFile | No | |
Windows.System.LocalAdmins | No | |
Windows.System.Powershell.ModuleAnalysisCache | Timestamp | |
Windows.System.Powershell.PSReadline | No | ? |
Windows.System.Pslist | No | |
Windows.System.RootCAStore | Yes | ModTime |
Windows.System.Services | Yes | Created |
Windows.System.Shares | No | ? |
Windows.System.Signers | No | |
Windows.System.TaskScheduler | No | |
Windows.Timeline.MFT | Yes | EventTime |
Windows.Timeline.Prefetch | Yes | PrefetchMtime |
Windows.Timeline.Registry.RunMRU | Yes | RegMtime |