Implement a ToDo-Service which can be used via a RESTful API.
- Store ToDo-Items in a database (use any database driver you like, e.g. SQLite)
- A ToDo-Item consists of at least a 'title' (string, required)
- Provide a CRUD- and RESTful-API-Endpoint for a ToDo-List
- Write tests for your API-Endpoints & Models
- Your repository contains meaningful commit messages
Nice to haves:
- +1 JSON API Spec
- +1 Provide a meaningful API documentation
For an example consumer application for your API, have a look here.
Please do not fork this repository, but clone it and re-initialize it as your own repository. Make the first commit without applying any changes to the code. Then, start your solution.
git init .
git add .
git commit -m "Your initial commit message of choice"
Ensure you have the following software (globally) installed on your system:
# install dependencies
composer install
# check the coding style
composer lint
# run the tests
composer test
# start the dev server
composer start
Feel free to place this test on your Github/Gitlab/Bitbucket/... account as a public repository. Send the link back to Joblocal. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Good luck! :)