Endurain is a self-hosted fitness tracking service designed to give users full control over their data and hosting environment. It's similar to Strava but focused on privacy and customization. Built with:
- Frontend: Vue.js, Notivue and Bootstrap CSS
- Backend: Python FastAPI, Alembic, SQLAlchemy, stravalib and python-garminconnect for Strava and Garmin Connect integration, gpxpy and fitdecode for .gpx and .fit file import respectively
- Database: MariaDB for efficient user data management
- Observability: Jaeger for basic tracing and monitoring
To deploy Endurain, Docker images are available, and a comprehensive example can be found in the "docker-compose.yml.example" file provided. Configuration is facilitated through environment variables, ensuring flexibility and ease of customization. More details bellow.
For more information please see the Endurain's documentation.
A huge thank you to the project sponsors! Your support helps keep this project going.
Consider sponsoring Endurain on GitHub to ensure continuous development.
Contributions are welcomed! Please open an issue to discuss any changes or improvements before submitting a PR. Check out the Contributing Guidelines for more details.
This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Endurain has multi-language support, and you can help translate it into more languages via Crowdin. Currently, only English is available.