A shell client for fetching beer data.
The software licensed under MIT.
Use make setup
, make run
and make test-integration
Once data fetched querying is possible with e.g. grep
and jq
# Typical example, look for a beer named Bell
make run && cat beers.json | grep -i Bell
# Open the first beer in a browser
cat beers.json | grep 'st-eriks' | sed -e 's/"href": "/ /g' -e 's/"/ /g' -e 's/,/ /g' | head -n 1 | xargs open
# Deep diving into the stores. Find all product names
ls . | xargs cat ./logs/ | grep -i name | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq
# Show a little before and after
ls . | xargs cat ./logs/ | grep -A 50 -B 50 some_brewery
# Extract value with jq
cat brewerydb-fd3ee35373c7e9b6a29a657e3d8d6aedbba21b23.json | jq '[. | {name: .data[].name, style: .data[].style.name, abv: .data[].abv}]'
# Extract values in batch
ls -la . | grep brewerydb | awk '$5 > 46 {print "./"$9}' | xargs cat | jq '[{name: .data[].name, style: .data[].style.name, abv: .data[].abv}]'
# Sort list all unique names
(cd logs; ls -1 . | grep rate | xargs cat | grep name | sed -e 's/ "name": "/ /g' -e 's/",/ /g' | uniq | sort)
# Create a backup
tar -zcvf ./config/2013-04-01.tar.gz ./logs
# Check age of local storage
ls -la logs/ | grep rate
# Check specific sources
(cd logs/; ls -1 | grep 'rate\|bo' | xargs cat)