New Features:
OOP 2.0
new list-dictionary based object system with data scope and Lieberman style prototypical inheritance
new "parent" selector for accessing list items, points to entry at ellipsis "..."
new "object" item in the THIS (runtime environment) primitive reporter's dropdown menu
new OOP library
support for input-groups in custom blocks
new "group" option in custom block slot type editor's special settings menu for multiple inputs
metaprogramming support for input groups (represented by a list of slot types)
new "Declare & Initialize Script Variables" library
UI Looks
flat / default (skeuomorphic) design
bright / dark (color) theme
new "theme" configuration key in the API
new "cube" and "cubeSolid" symbols
new Continuations library for run/cc and call/cc
Notable Changes:
preserve the order of items when using lists as dictionaries or data objects
variadic slots in custom blocks now support '%nl' as separators and expansion labels
Boolean input slot default values can be specified through metaprogramming
variadic Boolean input slot defaults can be specified both in the UI and through metaprogramming
added an official "Restore primitives" item to the project menu, if a project / scene has customized prims
default values and expansion labels of variadic input slots in custom blocks are now translatable by prefixing them with $-underscore
Notable Fixes:
exclude variables declared inside input rings from the dropdown menu of reachable variables
automatically declare variadic upvars inside custom blocks when evaluating them
fixed a LISP-encoding conflict between a variadic expression and formal ring parameters
fixed naming a block to a JS property such as "constructor"
fixed a variable refactoring (renaming) bug in custom block definitions
Documentation Updates:
updated with new "theme" configuration key for "bright" or "dark" UI modes
updated LISP syntax documentation for script parameters
Translation Updates:
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