1.0 Beta
Our first major 1.0 Beta in prep for the full release. We think we've gotten all of the bugs and features we want for 1.0, but we still need your help finding new ones!
Major Notes
- We added the concept of resource managers, that allow us to have plugins that manage resource connections. These are part of the queue server and include several different components, including a keeper loop and function that allows resources to be managed regularly.
- New Resource Manager: Direct Connect - Enables the prior functionality of directly connecting to resources.
- New Resource Manager: Amazon Web Services - Allows the creation of AWS instances for use in cracking, scanning, and processing.
- New Tool: John the Ripper (CPU) - Password cracker that primarily uses CPUs. Supports dictionary attacks
- New Tool: NMap (Network) - Network scanner, output is in CSV / table format for scans. Includes most major options.
- Tool Update: Hashcat (GPU) - Added support for brute forcing in addition to dictionary attacks.
- Changes to the API to handle resource managers, including the new verb /api/resourcemanagers. Changes have been documented in API information on wiki.
- Numerous changes to config files to support resource managers and new tools.
- Moved most options from command line to config files to be consistent.
- Numerous bug fixes, see commits.
Download packages can be found on packagecloud.