A collection of scripts for analysing data from different instruments using the routines in JASTRO
script for reducing LEOWASP data and performing aperture photometryanalyse_leowasp.py
script to analyse the aperture photometry of LEOWASP dataprocess_halfmetre.py
script for reducing LP 0.5m data and performing aperture photometry
Clone the jastro
repo and install as normal. Use the --user
flag if installing locally for your user.
git clone https://github.com/jmccormac01/jastro.git
cd jastro
python setup.py install --user
The process_leowasp.py
script shows the steps for a typical
CCD reduction with aperture photometry to extract the
differential light curve of a varying source.
Two configuration files are needed:
- An instrument level config file (static parameters, see example below)
- A nightly config file with (variable parameters, see example below)
For aperture photometry a region file corresponding to the reference image must be supplied. The regions should mark the location of the sky annulii for each comparison star (numbered 1, 2. ... N) and the target (mark with a name, e.g. TOIXXX). Photometry apertures of varying sizes will be placed at the centre of each sky annulus to extract the data. See example region file below.
To run a reduction:
cd /path/where/data/lives
- Set up the nightly config, the instrument config and ds9 region files (examples below) in the data directory.
python /path/to/process_scripts/process_leowasp.py night_config.json inst_config.json
The jastro
routines will build master calibration frames if the corresponding files exist. If the calibrations don't exist, that step is skipped.
Data reduction is done in memory to save disc space. Master calibration frames are saved but reduced science frames are not. Photometry is extracted in memory and store in output files.
Photometry is then analysed with a second analysis script (e.g. analyse_leowasp.py
"filter": "RGB-R",
"reference_image": "TOIXXX-CAM3-20230101200000.fits",
"region_file": "TOIXXX-CAM3-20230101200000.reg",
"binning": 10,
"defocused": false,
"ds9": true,
"max_sep_shift": 2,
"max_donuts_shift": 50,
"aperture_radii": [
"fit_type": 0,
"fit_parameters": [
"master_bias_filename": "master-bias-CAM3.fits",
"master_dark_filename": "master-dark-CAM3.fits",
"master_flat_filename": "master-flat-CAM3-RGB-R.fits"
"imager": {
"border": 50,
"filters": [
"ra_keyword": "MNTRA",
"dec_keyword": "MNTDEC",
"filter_keyword": "FILTER",
"image_type_keyword": "IMAGETYP",
"image_keyword": "SCIENCE",
"flat_keyword": "FLAT",
"bias_keyword": "BIAS",
"dark_keyword": "DARK",
"dateobs_start_keyword": "DATE-OBS",
"exptime_keyword": "EXPTIME",
"overscan_keyword": "BIAS-RGN"
"observatory": {
"olat": 28.760277,
"olon": -17.879444,
"elev": 2332
"sky": {
"inner_radius": 20,
"outer_radius": 25,
"background_sigma": 3
"ds9": {
"window_id": "LEOWASP",
"ds9_app_path": "/Applications/SAOImageDS9.app/Contents/MacOS/ds9",
"index_offset": 1
Contents of TOIXXX-CAM3-20230101200000.reg
# Region file format: DS9 version 4.1
global color=green dashlist=8 3 width=1 font="helvetica 10 normal roman" select=1 highlite=1 dash=0 fixed=0 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 source=1
annulus(4812.2087,3195.6101,9.0,14.0) # text={TOIXXX}
annulus(4635.7325,3060.4728,20.0,30.0) # text={1}
annulus(4986.6286,3189.2174,20.0,30.0) # text={2}
annulus(5013.2188,3062.3943,20.0,30.0) # text={3}
annulus(4622.4847,3390.6434,20.0,30.0) # text={4}
annulus(5048.4832,3392.7397,20.0,30.0) # text={5}
James McCormac