List references from your local Zotero library and add them to a bib file.
This does not provide autompletion in the document itself, as this is handled by
for entries already in references.bib
. The intended workflow separates already used references from new ones imported from Zotero
via this new plugin.
Add to your telescope config, e.g. in lazy.nvim
dependencies = {
-- your other telescope extensions
-- ...
dependencies = {
{ 'kkharji/sqlite.lua' },
-- options:
-- to use the default opts:
opts = {},
-- to configure manually:
-- config = function
-- require'zotero'.setup{ <your options> }
-- end,
config = function()
local telescope = require 'telescope'
-- other telescope setup
-- ...
telescope.load_extension 'zotero'
Default options:
Video (
This extension is inspired by the following plugins that all do an amazing job, but not quite what I need. Depending on your needs, you should have a look at those:
- zotcite provides omnicompletion for zotero items in Quarto, Rmarkdown etc., but requires additional dependencies and uses a custom pandoc lua filter instead of a references.bib file
- zotex.nvim is very close, but as a nvim-cmp completion source, which doesn't fit with the intended separation of concerns.
Special Thanks to @kkharji for the sqlite.lua