Some cool machine learning stuff. Provide code, explanations or whatever I might find interesting.
Author: Juan Maroñas Molano ([email protected]) [PRHLT Research Center, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia]
- Python version 3.7
- Requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Might find useful to run
In folder models you can find different models, follow instructions there:
models/Gaussian_Processes/ (regression and classification)
models/Bayesian_NN/ (only classification)
- Mean Field Gaussian Variational BNN with pathwise gradient computations ref
Mean Field Gaussian Variational BNN with local reparameterization ref
- Inference in Bayesian Neural Network with Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. Custom implementation in PyTorch ref
- Inference in a hierarchical Bayesian Neural Network using NUTS sampler. Implementation done in STAN
- Point estimate Neural Network (Maximum Likelihood and Maximum Posterior)
In this folder I keep other things different to implementations.
- other/time_comparison_stan/
- Keeps some time comparisons I have done with a model and the different possible implementations in stan
- Add regression example to the Bayesian NN models. The ones comparing MFVI and HMC
- Stochastic gradient MCMC ( Hamiltonian Monte Carlo ) BNN ref
I have a couple of generative models already implemented that perhaps I upload one day (will do when I need them for something, as I need to clean them up a bit):
Probabilistic data augmentation using MCMC
Probabilistic data augmentation with Mean Field VI (aka VAE)
Probabilistic data augmentation with flows.