- Live Site
- Background and Overview
- Functionality and MVP Features
- Architecture and Technologies
- Credits
- Implementation Timeline
Word Graph is a word association/analysis visualization tool.
Word Graph will allow users to:
- Display a graph of words and associated words
- Search for words on a search bar
- Zoom in to associated words
- Word definitions on hover
Word Graph uses a simple express backend to handle API calls to ConceptNet and a Vanilla JavaScript frontend. The data visulization is handled through a graph rendered by d3. The force-directed layout is implemented using WebCola.
- Vanilla JavaScript for overall structure of the webpage.
- D3 for DOM manipulation and rendering of data visualizations.
- Cola to layout graphs in a bounded canvas.
- Webpack to bundle and serve up various scripts.
- Express backend to handle HTTP api requests
A special thanks to the following technologies/resources that made this project possible:
The most important category
- Display visualizations on the data
Daily breakdown
- Create project skeleton
- Go through d3 tutorials
- Create database backend if needed
- Create API interface
- Create visualization
- Create search bar
- Add CSS Styling
Over the weekend
- Add word definitions
- Animated visualizations
- Word cloud
- Word analysis
- Allow users to input multiple words