.zshrc and cousins
- XDG basedirs
- Powerline support if installed
- virtualenvwrapper support if installed
- zsh-syntax-highlight support if installed
- Git integration enabled
- 256-color support by default
- Colors enabled by default in ls, grep, dmesg and less!
- Add your extra stuff in
- Put your custom completions in
- Put your custom completions in
- Saner defaults for
and more
- bk <file>: Back up a file
- htmime <url>: Get the content type of a URL
- google <query>: Open your default browser on a google query
- hr: print a terminal-wide banner
- launch <app> [args]: Launch a binary, disowning it from the terminal immediately
- lscolors: list all available colors
- perms <args>: Print file permissions (octal and text)
- myip: Print the machine's public ip (uses ifconfig.me service)
- sprunge: Pastebin stdin (uses sprunge.us service)
- mkhttp: Run a webserver in cwd (uses Python 3 http.server)
- urlencode: Quote stdin with url-encoding (percent-encoding)
- urldecode: Unquote percent-encoded stdin
- urlarray: Convert a querystring into pretty JSON
- json: Indent and prettify json code
- yaml: Print YAML contents as pretty-JSON
- Ctrl+E: Edit the current line in your $EDITOR
- Expand "...": Typing ... is expanded to ../..; .... expands to ../../.. and so on.
- Typing a naked directory assumes "cd " is implied.
- The "⇄" icon will show up on the right side of the tty when the shell is running in a SSH session.
This script requires Zsh >= 5.0. A 4.0-compatible version, with less features,
is available in the compat/
NOTE: Cygwin users should set TERM=cygwin
in their profile file, otherwise
keybindings may be messed up.