Hello, Josh Lambright!
Below is a coding exercise that we believe will allow you to show off your amazing development skills!
We’re super excited to see what you come up with!
We expect it to take a few hours. We would ask that you make commits to a git repository every so often so that we can see how long it took. Here is what you need to do
- Clone this repository locally and update the first line of this README with your name (so that it reads "Hello, YOUR NAME!"). Commit this change. This will serve as a starting timestamp
- Complete the exercise below
- Commit progress regularly
- When you're done, upload your code to a personal GitHub account and email us the link.
This is a simplified version of a piece of functionality we have in Breeze ChMS. Many of the churches we work with import their data from an existing system or a homegrown spreadsheet into Breeze. We provide tools for bulk importing of people, contribution, group and attendance records. In this problem we're only going to consider two data types: People and Groups. A Person can be part of one Group.
For the People data type, each person can have a state of either 'active' or ‘archived’. The id
for each data type is globally unique. As a result, if the id does not exist, create a new record, otherwise, update the existing record.
People columns:
id, first_name, last_name, email_address, status
Group columns:
id, group_name
, status
Here’s an example:
id, first_name, last_name, email_address, status
1, "Alex", "Ortiz-Rosado", "[email protected]", "active"
2, "Jon", "VerLee", "[email protected]", "archived"
3, "Fred", "Flintstone", "[email protected]", "active"
4, "Marie", "Bourne", "[email protected]", "active"
5, "Wilma", "Flintstone", "[email protected]", "active"
id, group_name, status
1, "Volunteers", "active"
2, "Elders", "active"
3, "Bible Study", "archived"
Help getting the code up and running:
Docker & Docker Compose
Clone the repository
git clone [email protected]:jlambright/php-react-fullstack.git && cd php-react-fullstack
Setup Laravel
cp .env.example .env
- Edit .env with your mysql/mariadb connection information.
Build and Launch Docker Compose Environment (Based off aschmelyun/docker-compose-laravel).
docker-compose up -d
Setup Composer and Artisan
- The following steps connect to local mysql database using root credentials
docker-compose run --rm composer update
docker-compose run --rm artisan key:generate
docker-compose run --rm artisan migrate
docker-compose run --rm artisan db:seed
Once you see that the
, andmariadb
containers are up and running, you should be good to go.