In this project I explore nationwide data on payment data by provider (provider = hospital) for inpatient stays. We first group them by DRGs (diagnose-related groups) and examine the most expensive, most variable in cost, and most common DRGs. We then combine the data by region and use the data in zipcode.csv to map zipcodes to longitude/latitude to map the average cost of an inpatient stay by region and show that it correlates with high cost-of-living areas
Data is contained in the following files located in the "data" folder
- zipcodes.csv: maps zipcodes to latitudes and longitudes
- Inpatient_Prospective_Payment_System__IPPS__Provider_Summary_for_the_Top_100_Diagnosis-Related_Groups__DRG__-_FY2011.csv: data from on payment data for inpatient stays
Note: for overview of methodology see Medicare_Hospital_Inpatient_PUF_Methodology_2017-08-30.pdf in the data folder