post processor for torrent clients
- Link/symlink/copy/move or extract content to destination
- Ignore torrents with x label
- Append label to destination path
- Send call to Sickbeard or Couchpotato postprocessor
- Delete torrrent from client (with files) once rProcess is done
##Supported clients
- rTorrent
- uTorrent
- Python 2.6+
- rTorrent 0.9.2/libTorrent 1.13.2
- uTorrent 3.0+
##Usage ###rTorrent Add (note the path's /path/to/rprocess/ below),my_script,"execute={python,/path/to/rprocess/,$d.get_hash=}"
to the bottom of (usally in home/$user/) .rtorrent.rc and then edit config.cfg to you're taste
- Enable and setup WebUI in uTorrent (set username, password and port)
- In "Run Program" set it to (note the path's C:\Python27\pythonw.exe C:\path\to\ below)
C:\Python27\pythonw.exe C:\path\to\ %I