This tool is designed to validate JSON data files against predefined JSON schemas using the JSON Schema validation library. It provides a command-line interface (CLI) for easy usage when working with web based files and generates a detailed report highlighting any validation errors encountered.
- Validate JSON data files against JSON schemas.
- Supports both in-network and out-of-network schema validation.
- Detailed error reporting with error type, message, schema path, and requirement.
- Ability to limit the number of reported errors.
Clone this repository to your local machine
Install the required dependencies using pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Download and place your JSON data files in the jsonFiles directory.
- Run the local file validation tool using the following command in the Terminal:
python --file --schema
- Example For an In-Network File:
python --file jsonFiles/inn_file.json --schema schemas/inn_schema.json
- Run the Url validation tool using the following command in the Terminal:
python --schema --url
- Example For an Allowed_Amounts File:
python --schema schemas/oon_schema.json --url
- Check the generated report in the reports directory for validation results.
- Currently, there is a 1000 error limit set in the validation tool. This means that if the tool encounters more than 1000 errors
- it will stop reporting errors and display a message indicating that the error limit has been reached.
- This is intended to prevent the tool from getting stuck in an infinite loop when encountering a large number of errors.
- To change the error limit for the local_file_validator, modify the error_limit variable in the code.
- Ex: error_limit = 1000 # Hardcoded error limit
- To change the error limit or disable it entirely for the url_validator, you can modify the error_limit variable in the code just as above or pass the argument '--no-limit' to the command line script.
- Ex:
python --schema schemas/oon_schema.json --url --no-limit
- To update pip to the latest version, run the following command in the terminal:
python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip
- If you want to use docker run this and edit the reporting path section to setup the reporting files location:
docker run -it --rm -v *reporting*\validator\reports:/app/reports validator_tool --schema schemas/inn_schema.json --url
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.