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Spotify to Plex

A beautiful web application that you can use to sync your Spotify playlists with Plex. This application uses the data from Spotify (playlists or albums) and tries to find all the matching songs in Plex. With every playlists it gives you an overview of the songs that have been matched and how they have been matched.

This project started because I'm using Home Assistant together with Plex and Sonos. During the week I'm listing to Spotify but in the evening and weekends Plex is more often used. Using this application I can automatically synchronize my Spotify songs with my Plex setup.


  • Matching Spotify songs with Plex
  • Imported automated personal playlists (e.g. Daylist)
  • Update thumbnail in Plex to the Spotify Thumbnail
  • Export your missing songs (which could be used in Tidal Media Downloader)

Coming soon

  • Automatically synchronize playlists or recent songs
  • API route for dashboarding
  • Showing and filtering on song quality

Coming later

  • Add albums / playlist by searching Spotify

Table of Contents


Install the Spotify-to-Plex app using a docker container. Once up and running you will find the instance at http://[ipaddress]:9030. You can change the port number by setting the PORT environment variable.

Encryption key

When you are using the Spotify users option it's important to also setup an encryption key. This should be a random string. It is used to encrypt any sensitive data that we receive from Spotify. To get a random key you could use the following command line

openssl rand -hex 32

Spotify credentials

To import playlists you need Spotify API credentials to make the connection. You can get these credentials at the Spotify Developer site. More information can also be found at the Getting started section of the documentation.

For manually adding playlists you don't need the redirect URL. The redirect URL is only needed when you want to sync private playlists like your daylist.

Creating a new app

The screenshot below shows how you should create the app.

Invalid redirect URL

If you get the message that you have set an invalid redirect URL there are two things to check:

2. Environment variable SPOTIFY_API_REDIRECT_URI should be set correctly, for example:

1. Redirect URL in the Spotify App It should be exactly the same as the environment variable. So in this case:

Tidal credentials

If you want to match missing songs with Tidal you also need to use Tidal Credentials. To obtain your Tidal API client ID and client secret, you need to register for access to the Tidal API. Visit the Tidal Developer Portal to apply for API access and retrieve your credentials.

Binding volume

All the data is stored in the /app/config folder, you need to add it as a volume for persistent storage.

Docker installation

docker run -d \
    -e PORT=9030 \
    -e SPOTIFY_API_REDIRECT_URI=http://[IP_OF_SPOTIFY_TO_PLEX]:9030/api/spotify/token \
    -e TIDAL_API_REDIRECT_URI=http://[IP_OF_SPOTIFY_TO_PLEX]:3000/api/tidal/token \
    -v /local/directory/:/app/config:rw \
    --name=spotify-to-plex \
    --network=host \
    --restart on-failure:4 \

Portainer installation

Create a new stack with the following configuration when using portainer.

version: '3.3'
        container_name: spotify-to-plex
        restart: unless-stopped
            - '/local/directory:/app/config'
            - PORT=9030
            - SPOTIFY_API_REDIRECT_URI=http://[IP_OF_SPOTIFY_TO_PLEX]:9030/api/spotify/token
            - TIDAL_API_REDIRECT_URI=http://[IP_OF_SPOTIFY_TO_PLEX]:9030/api/tidal/token
        network_mode: "host"
        image: 'jjdenhertog/spotify-to-plex:latest'

Matching songs

To match songs with Plex I'm using plex-music-searcher. This tries to match songs as best as possible and taking different approaches. When a song can't be matched even though you have it, it's best to raise an issue so I can dive into it. When a song is found but it't not a perfect match you will see a warning.

When the matched song is indeed totally wrong, you can find more info by clicking on the warning. This tells you why the song was matched. You can use this information to raise an issue so I can look into it.

Missing songs

You can view all songs that cannot be matched and download it as a text file containing all song links. It is also possible to match it up with Tidal, for this you need to setup Tidal credentials as well.

Creating Plex Playlists

With any imported playlist you have the option to create a playlist or update the existing playlist. In both options the playlists is completely rebuild, so any changes that you manually made to a playlist will also be removed.

Changing the playlist name

To modify the name of the playlist you can click on the pen icon behind the playlist title and rename it to something else.

Speeding things up

Most API requests to Plex and Tidal take quite a while, that is why a lot of data is cached. So when a song is matched once, it will not try to match it again. This means that when you reload an existing playlist it will only try to search for the missing song.

Most requests are made in sets of 5 tracks at-a-time and also cached in that way. So you don't need to wait until al tracks are searched for. When interrupting the process it will have stored any matches that were successfully made.

Removing cache

All cached data is stored in track_links.json in the data folder. When removing this file all previously matched tracks will be removed. The other option is to click on the refresh icon on the playlist screen. This will reload the current playlist but ignore any previously matched songs.

Large playlists

If you are syncing extremely large playlists (200+ songs) than you are prompted to use the fast search option. This will scan your library only with one search approach instead of multiple. Find more information about this in plex-music-searcher.

For large playlists it's good to know that any matched songs are cached. So there is little harm to interrupting the process. Any songs that were matched will be skipped the next time the synchronization runs.


In the Users section you have the option to add Spotify users. You do not need this for any manually imports, you only need it when you want to do a bit more with the Spotify accounts. When you have a connected user you can:

  • Easily add albums or playlist saved by that user
  • Import user specific or private playlists
  • Automatically sync most recent listened songs

Multiple users

You can also add multiple users. In order to add multiple users you need to sign out of Spotify before attempting to add the extra user. Alternatively you can also perform this step in an incognito window.


When you login to your Spotify account the tokens will be stored in spotify.json in your data folder. Make sure to properly protect the folder that you are adding to this app. Sensitive data is encrypted using an encryption key that you can add.


You can use Spotify to Plex to automatically synchronize your playlists with Plex. While managing your playlists you have the option to enable automatic syncing and to set the interval in days of how often the synchronization should occur.

Synchronization can take a very very long time (60 minutes +) depending on the setup. Keep this in mind when using it.

How it works

At the one hand you need to setup which playlists (and in which interval) you want to sync. Then on the other end you need to make sure that you call the sync script within a set interval.

An example approach would be that you call the sync script every day around midnight. And then you would set the 'days to sync' for a playlist to 7. Even though the sync script is called every day. The select playlist will only be synced once a week.

What happens during synchronization

During synchronization it does exactly the same as you would do in the app. Which means:

  • Open the Plex importer for a playlist
  • Try to match all tracks with Plex
  • Log any missing tracks
  • Update the existing playlist (or create a new one)

It does not remember any selection that you made during the process of matching of a playlist. So if you have chose alternative songs during the first setup it will not apply that same selection.


You need to setup your own task to start the automatic synchronization. To do this, you have two options:

  • Run the action via the command line npm run sync:playlists
  • Call an API action http://[ipaddress]:9030/api/sync/playlists


The preferred approach is by using the docker exec command in combination with something like a task scheduler. When using the API action you might run into issues with requests timing out. This really depends per setup, but if you have Spotify to Plex installed on a NAS this would be the go to method.

docker exec spotify-to-plex sh -c "cd /app && npm run sync:playlists"


In the application you can find log entries for each time the synchronization took place - including the duration of each playlists or any error messages. When you have setup a scheduled task to run the docker exec command you can also stream the output to a file. Below you find an example of this setup.

docker exec spotify-to-plex sh -c "cd /app && npm run sync:playlists"  > /volume2/Share/spotify_to_plex_playlists.log
touch spotify_to_plex_playlists.log

Syncing albums

It is also possible to sync albums with the similar approach as with playlists. You can use either of two options:

  • Run the action via the command line npm run sync:albums
  • Call an API action http://[ipaddress]:9030/api/sync/albums

The only thing that the syncing service for albums does is create a missing_albums_spotify.txt and missing_albums_tidal.txt file. It does not create or update any Plex playlists.

Missing songs

The cronjob will automatically update all missing songs in two text files missing_tracks_spotify.txt and missing_tracks_tidal.txt. You can do this to easily see which songs are not in your Plex environment. The Tidal songs are also structured in such a way that it could be used in Tidal Media Downloader. Disclaimer. Or it can be used with the Spotify to Plex Tidal Downloader


⚠️ ⚠️ This is not yet included, I'm working on this ⚠️ ⚠️

Originally I started this project for a Home Assistant dashboard. For this dashboard to work I needed to somehow list and categorize my playlists and albums. This dashboarding support impacts Spotify to Plex in two ways.

API Route The api route /api/dashboard returns all the playlists including its tracks with all Plex media content id references. This can be used to categorize and play tracks.

Managing Playlists & Albums While adding a Playlist or Album there is also an option to add it as Plex Media Content ID. This is solely used for dashboarding purpose, it doesn't do anything with the sync features.

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Synchronise Spotify playlists to plex







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