The experiment: you have a single lane of data, and have gone through the Tophat process.
To find all splice junctions that are novel to an annotation, assuming you have a GTF file for the annotation:
- tbed2juncs < junctions.bed > junctions.juncs
- gtf2juncs < your_annotation.gtf > annotated.juncs
3. cat junctions.juncs | cut -f4 | sort | comm -23 - annotated.juncs > novel_junctions.txt
To find all splice junctions that map to an EST database that you made with bowtie, allowing for repeat regions. 1. juncs2seq rn4.fa 25 0 < junctions.juncs > junctions.fa 2. bowtie -v 2 rat_ests junctions.fa | cut -f1 > hit_ests.txt
To enumerate all splice junctions from a GTF file including all possible exon skipping events with the canonical splicing signals GC-AG, AT-AC, GC-AG : 1. gtf2juncs --skip < annotation.gtf | uniq | sort | uniq > juncs.juncs 2. juncs2seq genome.fa -2 --i --rt < juncs.juncs > juncs.fa 3. egrep -i -B 1 -e "GTAG|ATAC|GCAG" juncs.fa | grep -ve '--' > canonical.fa
To enumerate all possible inclusion/exclusion events for an GTF file and find counts for each event from a juncs file: 1. gtf2juncs --ie < annotation.gtf > 2. juncs.juncs > ie.counts
Two modes, the first takes a tracking file from Cuffcompare and a combined.gtf file from Cuffcompare and retains transcripts with a specified number of samples supporting evidence of the transcript. This also retains all transcripts that match the reference annotation. Useful for wiping out a lot of the junky partially-assembled transcripts that Cufflinks spits out.
The second mode filters transcripts based on their proportion of exons in the longest transcript for that locus. Takes a gtf file and the threshold proportion. For example a locus with 4 exons will pass if 3 are in the transcript and fail if only 1 exon is in the transcript if the threshold is set to .30.
Deletes, swaps, adds GTFs to the attribute line of a GTF file. Can also filter on an attribute and reorder the attributes field.
Fixes the GTF file from Ensembl for use with Tophat and Cufflinks by putting in a consistent set of chromosome names.
Calculates the length of all transcripts in a GTF file by adding up all of the 'exons' features for each transcript. Also can filter a GTF file by minimum and maximum transcript lengths. This is useful for removing small transcripts that may be lost during RNA purification such as microRNA and snoRNA and also to remove large transcripts that may be degraded.
counts up the number of transcripts per gene in a GTF file. the GTF file must have the format gene_id foo; transcript_id bar, otherwise it won't work.
converts a gtf file to a bed file of unique intervals
converts a gtf file to a file of fasta sequences of the transcripts. it is required that the attribute list contains a transcript_id.
combines identical junctions, adding their score together. Workflow to use this is to convert the Tophat BED files to juncs with tophatBedToJuncs and then combine the .juncs files with combineJuncs.
converts a juncs file to a file of sequences for the junctions. Usage is juncs2seq pathtofastafile basestokeep< juncsfile. Bases to keep is the bases to keep on each side of the splice junction. Requires samtools to be installed and in your path. Skips junctions that go through repeat regions (regions with lowercase letters in the genome file).
converts a GTF file to a juncs file, outputting all possible single exon skipping events in and all splice junctions in juncs format.
convert tophat bed file to a juncs file
grep a GTF file for a field or attribute with IDs from another file. For example to find all entries in the file ensembl.gtf that have the gene_ids listed in the file tofilter.tsv:
python grepGTF ensembl.gtf gene_id tofilter.tsv
To find the ones that don't match add -v to th end.
Shuffles the sequences in a FASTA file, good for quick and dirty false-positive tests. Takes a FASTA file as stdin and returns shuffled sequences, each sequence maintaining the same overall nucleotide composition.
Outputs a list of possible formats a FASTQ file could be after checking at most a million reads.
Quick and dirty conversion of a tsv to a csv file.
usage: fastq_file