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Commandline arguments
Jindra Petřík edited this page Sep 23, 2024
11 revisions
JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler v.21.1.0
Usage: <executable> [PRE-OPTIONS] [COMMAND]
Linux: ffdec or ffdec.sh
Mac OS: ffdec.sh
Windows: ffdec-cli.exe or ffdec.bat
Java: java -jar ffdec.jar
-help [<command> | -all]
alias --help
alias /?
Show help options about a command.
Show help topic about specified <command>.
If parameter is ommited, then main help for the app is shown.
If -all parameter passed, help for all commands is printed.
<infile> [<infile2> <infile3> ...]
Open SWF file(s) with the decompiler GUI.
-export <itemtypes> <outdirectory> <infile_or_directory>
Export sources.
Export <infile_or_directory> sources to <outdirectory>.
Exports all files from <infile_or_directory> when it is a folder.
Values for <itemtypes> parameter:
script - Scripts (Default format: ActionScript source)
image - Images (Default format: PNG/JPEG)
shape - Shapes (Default format: SVG)
morphshape - MorphShapes (Default format: SVG)
movie - Movies (Default format: FLV without sound)
font - Fonts (Default format: TTF)
font4 - DefineFont4 (Default format: CFF)
frame - Frames (Default format: PNG)
sprite - Sprites (Default format: PNG)
button - Buttons (Default format: PNG)
sound - Sounds (Default format: MP3/WAV/FLV only sound)
binaryData - Binary data (Default format: Raw data)
symbolClass - Symbol-Class mapping (Default format: CSV)
text - Texts (Default format: Plain text)
all - Every resource (but not FLA and XFL)
fla - Everything to FLA compressed format
xfl - Everything to uncompressed FLA format (XFL)
You can export multiple types of items by using colon ",".
DO NOT PUT space between comma (,) and next value.
-dumpSWF <infile>
Dump list of SWF tags to console.
-dumpAS2 <infile>
Dump list of AS1/2 scripts to console.
-dumpAS3 <infile>
Dump list of AS3 scripts to console.
-compress <infile> <outfile> [(zlib|lzma)]
Compress SWF file.
Compress SWF <infile> and save it to <outfile>.
If <infile> is already compressed, it will be re-compressed.
Default compression method is ZLIB
-decompress <infile> <outfile>
Decompress SWF file.
Decompress <infile> and save it to <outfile>
-encrypt <infile> <outfile>
Encrypt SWF file with HARMAN Air encryption.
Encrypt file <infile> with HARMAN Air encryption and saves it to <outfile>.
-decrypt <infile> <outfile>
Decrypt HARMAN Air encrypted file.
Decrypt HARMAN Air encrypted file <infile> and saves it to <outfile>.
-swf2xml <infile> <outfile>
Convert SWF to XML.
Convert the <infile> SWF to <outfile> XML file.
-xml2swf <infile> <outfile>
Convert XML to SWF.
Convert the <infile> XML to <outfile> SWF file.
-extract <infile> [-o <outpath>|<outfile>] [nocheck] \
Extract SWF files from ZIP or other binary files.
-o parameter should contain a file path
when "biggest" or "first" parameter is specified
-o parameter should contain a folder path
when no extaction mode or "all" parameter is specified
-memorySearch (<processName1>|<processId1>) (<processName2>|<processId2>)...
Search SWF files in the memory.
-renameInvalidIdentifiers (typeNumber|randomWord) <infile> <outfile>
Rename invalid identifiers.
Rename the invalid identifiers in <infile> and save it to <outfile>
-flashpaper2pdf <infile> <outfile>
Convert FlashPaper SWF file to PDF.
Convert FlashPaper SWF file <infile> to PDF <outfile>.
Use -zoom parameter to specify image quality.
-replace <infile> <outfile> (<characterId1>|<scriptName1>) <importDataFile1> \
[nofill] ([<format1>][<methodBodyIndex1>]) \
[(<characterId2>|<scriptName2>) <importDataFile2> \
[nofill] ([<format2>][<methodBodyIndex2>])]...
Replace data.
Replaces the data of the specified BinaryData, Image, Shape, Text,
Sound tag or Script.
nofill parameter can be specified only for shape replace.
<format> parameter can be specified for Image and Shape tags.
valid formats: lossless, lossless2, jpeg2, jpeg3, jpeg4.
<methodBodyIndexN> parameter should be specified if and only if the imported entity is an AS3 P-Code.
Use -1 as characterId to replace main timeline SoundStreamHead.
-replace <infile> <outfile> <argsfile>
Replace data using argsfile.
Same as -replace command, but the rest of arguments is read as lines from
a text file <argsfile>
-replaceAlpha <infile> <outfile> <imageId1> <importDataFile1> \
[<imageId2> <importDataFile2>]...
Replace the alpha channel of the specified JPEG3/4 tag.
-replaceCharacter <infile> <outfile> <characterId1> <newCharacterId1> \
[<characterId2> <newCharacterId2>]...
Replace a character tag with another from the same SWF.
-replaceCharacterId <infile> <outfile> <oldId1>,<newId1>,<oldId2>,<newId2>...
Replace character ids.
Replace the <oldId1> character id with <newId1>.
-replaceCharacterId <infile> <outfile> (pack|sort)
Replace character ids bulk operation.
pack: removes the spaces between the character ids (1,4,3 => 1,3,2)
sort: assigns increasing IDs to the character tags + pack (1,4,3 => 1,2,3)
DO NOT PUT space between comma (,) and next value.
-remove <infile> <outfile> <tagIndex1> [<tagIndex2>]...
Remove a tag from the SWF.
Remove tags based in index from main SWF timeline.
-removeCharacter <infile> <outfile> <characterId1> [<characterId2>]...
Remove a character tag from the SWF.
-removeCharacterWithDependencies <infile> <outfile> <characterId1> \
Remove a character tag from the SWF with dependencies.
-importSymbolClass <infile> <outfile> <symbolclassfile>
Import Symbol-Class mapping.
Import Symbol-Class mapping to <infile> and saves the result to <outfile>.
-importMovies <infile> <outfile> <moviesfolder>
Bulk import movies.
Import movies to <infile> and saves the result to <outfile>.
-importSounds <infile> <outfile> <soundsfolder>
Bulk import sounds.
Import sounds to <infile> and saves the result to <outfile>.
-importShapes <infile> <outfile> [nofill] <shapesfolder>
Bulk import shapes.
Import shapes to <infile> and saves the result to <outfile>.
-importImages <infile> <outfile> <imagesfolder>
Bulk import images.
Import images to <infile> and saves the result to <outfile>.
-importSprites <infile> <outfile> <spritesfolder>
Bulk import sprites.
Import sprites to <infile> and saves the result to <outfile>.
-importText <infile> <outfile> <textsfolder>
Bulk import texts.
Import texts to <infile> and saves the result to <outfile>,
-importScript <infile> <outfile> <scriptsfolder>
Bulk import scripts.
Import scripts to <infile> and saves the result to <outfile>.
-deobfuscate <level> <infile> <outfile>
Deobfuscate AS3 P-code.
Deobfuscate AS3 P-code in <infile> and saves result to <outfile>.
<level> can be one of: traps/2/max, deadcode/1
-enabledebugging [-injectas3|-generateswd] [-pcode] <infile> <outfile>
Enable debugging in SWF file.
Enable debugging for <infile> and saves result to <outfile>.
-injectas3 (optional) causes debugfile and debugline instructions
to be injected into the code to match decompiled/pcode source.
-generateswd (optional) parameter creates SWD file needed for AS1/2
debugging. For <outfile.swf>, <outfile.swd> is generated.
-pcode (optional) parameter specified after -injectas3 or -generateswd
causes lines to be handled as lines in P-code
=> All P-code lines are injected, etc.
WARNING: Injected/SWD script filenames may be different than from standard
-doc -type <type> [-out <outfile>] [-format <format>] [-locale <locale>]
Generate documentation.
-type <type> Selects documentation type
<type> can be currently only: as3.pcode.instructions for list
of ActionScript3 AVM2 instructions
-out <outfile> (optional) If specified, output is written
to <outfile> instead of stdout
-format <format> (optional, html is default) Selects output format
<format> is currently only html
-locale <locale> (optional) Override default locale
<locale> is localization identifier, en for english for example
<format> is currently only html
-getInstanceMetadata -instance <instanceName> [-outputFormat <outputFormat>] \
[-key <key> ] [-datafile <datafile>] <swffile>
Read instance metadata.
-instance <instanceName>: name of instance to fetch metadata from
-outputFormat <outputFormat> (optional): format of output
- jslike|raw. Default is jslike.
- key <key> (optional): name of subkey to display.
When present, only value from subkey <key> is shown,
whole object value otherwise.
-datafile <datafile> (optional): File to write the data to.
If ommited, stdout is used.
<swffile>: SWF file to read metadata from.
-setInstanceMetadata -instance <instanceName> [-inputFormat <inputFormat>] \
[-key <key> ] [-value <value> | -datafile <datafile>] \
[-outfile <outFile>] <swffile>
Add metadata to instance.
-instance <instanceName>: name of instance to replace data in
-inputFormat <inputFormat>: format of input data - jslike|raw.
Default is jslike.
-key <key> (optional): name of subkey to use. When present, the value
is set as object property with the <key> name.
Otherwise the value is set directly to the
instance without any subkeys.
-value <value> (optional): value to set.
-datafile <datafile> (optional): value to set from file.
If no -value or -infile parameter present, the value to set is taken
from stdin.
-outfile <outfile> (optional): Where to save resulting file.
If ommited, original SWF file is overwritten.
<swffile>: SWF file to search instance in
-removeInstanceMetadata -instance <instanceName> [-key <key>] \
[-outfile <outFile>] <swffile>
Remove metadata from instance.
-instance <instanceName>: name of instance to remove data from
-key <key> (optional): name of subkey to remove.
When present, only the value from subkey <key> of
the AMF object is removed.
Otherwise all metadata are removed from the instance.
-outfile <outfile> (optional): Where to save resulting file.
If ommited, original SWF file is overwritten.
<swffile>: SWF file to search instance in
-linkReport [-outfile <outfile>] <swffile>
Generate linker report for the swffile.
-outfile <outfile> (optional): Saves XML report to <outfile>.
When ommited, the report is printed to stdout.
<swffile>: SWF file to search instance in
-swf2swc <outfile> <swffile>
Generate SWC file from SWF.
<outfile>: Where to save SWC file
<swffile>: Input SWF file
-abcmerge <outfile> <swffile>
Merge all ABC tags in SWF file to one.
<outfile>: Where to save merged file
<swffile>: Input SWF file
-abcclean <infile> <outfile>
Cleans specified ABC file by removing all unused items from the ABC.
<infile>: Input ABC (.abc extension) or SWF file (.swf or .gfx)
<outfile>: Where to save result
-swf2exe <exportMode> <outfile> <swffile>
Export SWF to executable file.
<exportMode>: wrapper|projector_win||projector_mac|projector_linux
-header -set <key> <value> [-set <key2> <value2> ...] <swffile> [<outfile>]
Print or set SWF header values.
Print header or sets SWF header values (with -set arguments) in <swffile>
and saves it to <outfile>.
Available keys: version
gfx (true/false)
displayrect ([x1,y1,x2,y2])
For width, height and displayrect subvalues you can use suffix px for
pixel values. Otherwise its twips.
List all available configuration keys and current values.
These keys can be used in -config pre-option.
-format <formats>
Applies to: -export
Set output formats for export.
Values for <formats> parameter:
script:as - ActionScript source
script:pcode - ActionScript P-code
script:pcodehex - ActionScript P-code with hex
script:hex - ActionScript Hex only
shape:svg - SVG format for Shapes
shape:png - PNG format for Shapes
shape:canvas - HTML5 Canvas format for Shapes
shape:bmp - BMP format for Shapes
morphshape:svg - SVG format for MorphShapes
morphshape:canvas - HTML5 Canvas format for MorphShapes
frame:png - PNG format for Frames
frame:gif - GIF format for Frames
frame:avi - AVI format for Frames
frame:svg - SVG format for Frames
frame:canvas - HTML5 Canvas format for Frames
frame:pdf - PDF format for Frames
frame:bmp - BMP format for Frames
sprite:png - PNG format for Sprites
sprite:gif - GIF format for Sprites
sprite:avi - AVI format for Sprites
sprite:svg - SVG format for Sprites
sprite:canvas - HTML5 Canvas format for Sprites
sprite:pdf - PDF format for Sprites
sprite:bmp - BMP format for Sprites
button:png - PNG format for Buttons
button:svg - SVG format for Buttons
button:bmp - BMP format for Buttons
image:png_gif_jpeg - PNG/GIF/JPEG format for Images
image:png - PNG format for Images
image:jpeg - JPEG format for Images
image:bmp - BMP format for Images
image:png_gif_jpeg_alpha - PNG/GIF/JPEG+ALPHA format for Images
text:plain - Plain text format for Texts
text:formatted - Formatted text format for Texts
text:svg - SVG format for Texts
sound:mp3_wav_flv - MP3/WAV/FLV format for Sounds
sound:mp3_wav - MP3/WAV format for Sounds
sound:wav - WAV format for Sounds
sound:flv - FLV format for Sounds
font:ttf - TTF format for Fonts
font:woff - WOFF format for Fonts
font4:cff - CFF format for DefineFont4
fla:<flaversion> or xfl:<flaversion> - Specify FLA format version
Values for <flaversion>: f5,mx,mx2004,f8,cs3,cs4,cs5,cs5.5,cs6,cc
You can set multiple formats at once using comma (,)
DO NOT PUT space between comma (,) and next value.
The prefix with colon (:) is neccessary.
Applies to: main
Command line mode. Parse the SWFs without opening the GUI.
-select <ranges>
Applies to: -export
Select frames/pages for export.
Example <ranges> formats:
DO NOT PUT space between comma (,) and next ramge.
-selectid <ranges>
Select characters for export by character id.
<ranges> format is same as in -select
-selectclass <classnames>
Applies to: -export
Select scripts to export by class name (AS 3 ONLY).
<classnames> format:
com.example.+ (all classes in package "com.example")
com.++,net.company.MyClass (all classes in package "com" and all
subpackages, class net.company.MyClass)
DO NOT PUT space between comma (,) and next class.
Applies to: -export
Allow exporting embedded assets via [Embed tag].
-config key=value[,key2=value2][,key3=value3...]
Applies to: *
Set configuration values.
Use -listconfigs command to list the available configuration settings.
Values are boolean, you can use 0/1, true/false, on/off or yes/no.
If no other parameters passed, configuration is saved.
Otherwise it is used only once.
DO NOT PUT space between comma (,) and next value.
-onerror (abort|retry <N>|ignore)
Applies to: -export, -importScript
Error handling mode.
"abort" stops the exporting
"retry" tries the exporting N times
"ignore" ignores the current file
-timeout <N>
Applies to: -export
Decompilation timeout for a single method in AS3 or single action in AS1/2
in seconds.
-exportTimeout <N>
Applies to: -export
Total export timeout in seconds.
-exportFileTimeout <N>
Applies to: -export
Export timeout for a single AS3 class in seconds.
Applies to: -export
Show export performance statistics.
-zoom <N>
Applies to: -export, -flashpaper2pdf
Apply zoom during export.
-custom <customparameter1> [<customparameter2>]...
Applies to: main
Forward all parameters after the -custom parameter to the plugins.
-charset <charsetName>
Applies to: *
Set desired character set for reading/writing SWF files with
SWF version <= 5.
Applies to: -replace, -importScript
Use AIR ("airglobal.swc") for AS3 compilation instead of "playerglobal.swc".
Applies to: -export
Enables resampling exported WAV sound files to 44kHz.
Applies to: -export
Ignores SWF background color when exporting frames
and thus make background transparent.
JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler Wiki