This is an Image Sharing Site built as the Front End Capstone at Nashville Software School. It is similar to the site Imgur.
A live version of this site built with Ruby on Rails can be seen at, (more info below).
Built with AngularJS, Firebase, Bootstrap, Javascript, Grunt.
The AngularJS version (this repo) is not live. However, the RoR version of this site is live: Visit the site and do a search. Or register and add comments or submit your silly humor in a snap. No humor pics or comments to submit? Just register and upvote or downvote a gallery or comment.
Note: These instructions are for the AngularJS version of the site. The Ruby on Rails version curently is a private Repo UTF.
1. Clone the Project
- Create FBCreds file with firebase credentials setting the search index to
- CD into lib folder and type in the terminal:
npm install
- Set Up a Firebase account and set the rules to:
"rules": {
".read": "true",
".write": "true",
"posts" : {
".indexOn": ["uid"]
- Run https server by typing in the terminal:
- Open browser and type:
- Register, then start submitting images or comments.
Visit the live site (built with RoR) at to see it in action.
Note: This Repo is built with AngularJS and does not include an admin area. The admin area is only available in the RoR version which currently is a private repo. More will be added to this repo at a later time. The administration area is only on the live site and accessible by administrators.