(07.08.22) -
5 years gone by (02.15.17) - Common aliases and shell things that I use to setup my env. Honestly, I've not touched this in 2 years... time to refresh
- pwgen - pw generation : interactive(tty) and script(non-tty)
- chalice
- flask
- python
- swagger
- virtualenv
Used Daily for security and
- Authy
- Lastpass
- docker
- kubernetes (don't laugh, this page hadn't been updated since 2017 when this was added)
- openvz
- grip - python github markdown preview @ http://localhost:6419
- PRO: Cool! auto-refreshes as source is updated
- CON: Uses Github API Rate limiting, have to be sparse on refreshing the browser
[jimsander@workHorse jds-env] # grip README.md
* Running on http://localhost:6419/ (Press CTRL+C to quit)
- jq : json query/parse Since using gron, might start using jq.node
# curl -s https://api.userinfo.io/userinfos?ip_address=`curl -s ` | jq '@text "Not My Address folks \(.ip_address)"'
"Not My Address folks"
# curl -s https://api.userinfo.io/userinfos?ip_address=`curl icanhazip.com` | gron
json = {};
json.city = {};
json.city.code = "67123";
json.city.name = "Potwin";
json.continent = {};
json.continent.code = "NA";
json.continent.name = "North America";
. . .
# curl -s https://api.userinfo.io/userinfos?ip_address=`curl -s icanhazip.com` | gron | grep Potwin
json.city.name = "Potwin";
- jq.node
- Signal - Encrypted messaging, includes
messages - Slack - Great colalboration tool
If you think privacy is unimportant for you because you have nothing to hide, you might as well say free speech is unimportant for you because you have nothing useful to say. -- 2015, anonymous?
- Hoxx VPN (They save VPN)
- Tor VPN
- Protonmail
- Signal
- Leechblock NG (Firefox)
- VMWare
- Virtualbox
- vagrant
- virtualenv