A simple notification tool for Ethereum stakers to track validator health and statuses.
The ultimate goal of this tool is to make the stakers' lives easier and better by reducing the amount of manual effort and stress from looking after validators and keeping up with changes to the clients and network.
Staker Notifier currently tracks the following events:
- Balance: when the balance of one or more validators has decreased for a few consecutive epochs
- Status: when the validator status has changed or when a new validator has been added to the beacon chain
- "2022-05-24T10:18:47Z Validator 82 has transitioned from pending_queued to active_ongoing."
- "2022-05-24T10:21:11Z 1 out of 3 validators have balance reduced since last epoch. Please check validator(s) 81"
Please see additional alert types that are being considered in issue list
Currently, SMS and Telegram notifications are supported - This is the original idea that started this project, to be notified without installing a mobile app and without needing Internet access.
However, additional notification channels are being considered and may be implemented depending on demand. See issue list here
A Twilio account & number: Staker Notifier requires the usage of a third-party SMS provider, however the usage will be minimal unless a large number of notifications are sent. A free trial credit is currently being offered to new users that should last for quite a while.
Access to one or multiple Beacon node API endpoints, such as Infura or your own Beacon node. **Infura is an ethereum node provider and is optional for using Staker Notifier, as you can also choose to use your own node. However, it could come handy as a fallback (issue to be implemented) when there are issues with the beacon node.
Set up a Twilio account. In the Twilio console:
- Copy the 'Account SID' and 'Auth Token'. This will be used in step 3.
- Buy a number. This will be the 'From' number for sending the SMS.
- Add a verified caller ID to use it as the 'To' number for outbound calls/messages.
Create an Infura account (Optional if connecting to your own Beacon node). In the Infura dashboard:
- Create new project and select 'ETH2' Product.
- Once created, got to 'Project Settings' and copy the https endpoint. This will be used in step 3.
Create a
file at the current working directory with the following contents (See example here):Name Description VALIDATOR_PUBKEYS Comma separated list of validator public keys with 0x prefixes. BEACON_API_LIST Beacon node url from step 2. Currently only one url is used. TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID 'Account SID' from step 1. TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN 'Auth Token' from step 1. SMS_FROM 'From' number from step 1. SMS_TO 'To' number from step 1. BALANCE_REDUCED_NOTIFY_INTERVAL_EPOCHS Optional. Number of epochs before resending alert. Default: 20. TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN You need to create a new bot in Telegram. TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID You need to create a new chat and invite the bot to it. -
Run one of the following commands:
- with Docker:
docker run --env-file .env jchen86/staker-notifier
- with Node (>=16):
npm install && npm start
- with Docker:
Contributions welcome. Please check out the issues.