🔭 I’m currently working on: Finding what I truly want to do in my life
🌱 I’m currently learning: ECTF 😎
😆 I'm happy when (workwise): I finally find an offset, which offset dumpers were dumping wrong, manually
⚡ Fun facts:
1. I started playing league (league of legends) to get an idea of moba games with a goal of reverse-engineering them, but it kinda turned out to be league reverse-engineering my life for 3 years. Hahaha...thankfully, it's no longer ongoing.
2. Teams default notification sound is scaaarrrryyyold fun facts:
Am I the only onewastingspending 10 - 30 minutes just to come up with cool usernames -16deathcaitlyn
At this point, I cannot remember how many times I removed and reinstalled league...thanks toused-to-be-addictedme and mystill-addictedfriends