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Hi there, I'm Robin 👋

jianzhnie's GitHub Streak

Hi there 👋

Hey, I am jianzhnie, Thanks for stopping by!

I work as a full-time Machine Learning engineer and write tutorials on basic and advanced topics (NLP, Reinforcement Learning , Computer vision and code - lots of it).

I read and think a lot. And sometimes I put them in a form of a painting or a piece of music. And when I need to catch a breath I go for a run.

I’m currently working on 🔭

Reinforcement Learning

Code Repo About
Deep-RL-Toolkit Deep reinforcemnt Learning Toolkit For Single Agent (DQN, Reinbow, DDPG, PPO, SAC, TD3…)
Deep-MARL-Toolkit Deep reinforcemnt Learning Toolkit For Multi Agent (VDN, Qmix, MADDPG, MAPPO, …)
RLZero Monte Carlo Tree Search in General Sequential Decision Scenarios( AlphaZero, Muzero…)
ScaleRL Handy and simple scaling of distributed reinforcement learning framework ( A3C, Ape-x, Impala, …)
CyberAttackSimulator A Reinforcement Learning (RL) simulation environment built for training and evaluating autonomous cyber attack & defense models on simulated networks.

Large language Models

Code Repo About
LLMToolkit NLPToolkit is a toolkit for NLP(Natural Language Processing) and LLM(Large Language Models) using Pytorch.
LLamaTuner Easy and Efficient Finetuning LLMs.
open-chatgpt Developing the open source ChatGPT, Alpaca, Vicuna and RLHF Pipeline.
awesome-instruction-datasets A collection of awesome-prompt-datasets, awesome-instruction-dataset, to train ChatLLM such as chatgpt.


  • Developing Diffuser-toolkit: All kinds of diffusion models for image and audio generation in PyTorch diffusion-toolkit

  • Developing AutoML tools for DeepLearning Project and MacheLearning Project AutoTimm | AutoTabular

  • Trying hard to reduce the Learning Machine Learning(LML) loss 😂

  • Coding everyday for better research engineering skill

I’m currently learning 🌱

  • LLM System and Artificial General Intelligence
  • Large Scale Distribute Reinforcemnet Learning System

How to reach me 📫

Have an awesome day!

Pinned Loading

  1. LLamaTuner LLamaTuner Public

    Easy and Efficient Finetuning LLMs. (Supported LLama, LLama2, LLama3, Qwen, Baichuan, GLM , Falcon) 大模型高效量化训练+部署.

    Python 591 63

  2. Open-R1 Open-R1 Public

    The open source implementation of DeepSeek-R1. 开源复现 DeepSeek-R1

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  3. microsoft/nni microsoft/nni Public archive

    An open source AutoML toolkit for automate machine learning lifecycle, including feature engineering, neural architecture search, model compression and hyper-parameter tuning.

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    Fast and Accurate ML in 3 Lines of Code

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    Code and documentation to train Stanford's Alpaca models, and generate the data.

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  6. deep-marl-toolkit deep-marl-toolkit Public

    MARLToolkit: The Multi-Agent Rainforcement Learning Toolkit. Include implementation of MAPPO, MADDPG, QMIX, VDN, COMA, IPPO, QTRAN, MAT...

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