a demo supports mutiple pojos and file arrs with FeignClient's default Contract by rewrting form-encoder.
First,you should use feignContract instead of SpringMVCContract. So, you should use @RequestLine to write your url and @Param mark your params in FeignClient.
the most important config under the directory com.neo.config, you can see FeignConfiguration.java especially.
I make 3 dirs just like D:\testFile, D:\testFile\producer, D:\testFile\temp For test.you could make same dirs manually for testing upload File.
文件上传demo,用了三个文件夹 D:\testFile, D:\testFile\producer, D:\testFile\temp写死了三个文件夹用于测试文件上传相关,手动在电脑中建立一下。Mac自己改一下代码中配置的路径。
一是feign默认是采用 SpringMvcContract注解翻译器。我们需要在一个FeignConfiguration文件中声明feign.Contract.Default(),使用feign自带的注解。 这样例子中的编码器才会生效。 具体的调用示例见代码 详细教程参加我的博客 https://blog.csdn.net/qq_34523427/article/details/88863800