This is a custom component for home-assistant to track postnord packages.
Its activated by adding the following to your configuration.yaml:
- platform: postnord
api_key: !secret postnord_api_key
And you get your own api key by registering at
After that you can start to track your packages by calling the service
with a argument looking like
{"package_id": "UA123456789SE"}
to have home-assistant start tracking
that package.
And when you loose interest in that package, you just stop tracking it by
calling postnord.unregister
with a corresponding argument.
To view all your packages in a nice fashion, I use the auto-entities[1] card to view them all as a list in lovelace:
- card:
type: entities
- domain: postnord
type: 'custom:auto-entities'
If you like this component take a look at its cousin that tracks packages from DHL[2].