Gulp plugin for adding maschine-aware metadata chunk to WAVE file.
npm install gulp-maschine-id3 --save-dev
using the function to provide data.
id3 = require 'gulp-maschine-id3'
gulp.task 'hoge', ->
gulp.src ["src/**/*.wav"]
.pipe id3 (file, chunks) ->
# do something to create data
name: path.basename file.path, '.wav'
vendor: 'Hahaha'
author: 'Hehehe'
comment: 'uniuni'
bankchain: ['Fugafuga', 'Fugafuga 1.1 Library']
deviceType: 'LOOP'
types: [
['Bass', 'Synth Bass']
modes: ['Additive', 'Analog']
.pipe gulp.dest "dist"
using the non-blocking function to provide data.
id3 = require 'gulp-maschine-id3'
gulp.task 'hoge', ->
gulp.src ['src/**/*.wav']
.pipe id3 (file, chunks, done) ->
# create data in non-blocking function
non_blockingfunction files, chunks, (err, data) ->
done err, data
.pipe gulp.dest 'dist'
list all chunk ids included in source file.
id3 = require 'gulp-maschine-id3'
gulp.task 'hoge', ->
gulp.src ['src/**/*.wav']
.pipe id3 (file, chunks) -> ( for chunk in chunks)
# if return null or undefined, file will not be changed.
Type: Object
or function(file, chunks [,callback])
The data object or function to provide metadata.
Type: String
Type: String
Type: String
Type: String
Type: String
'LOOP' or 'ONESHOT', default 'ONESHOT'
Type: Array
of String
The length of array should be 1 or 2.
Type: 2 dimensional Array
of String
The length of inner array should be 1 - 3
['Bass', 'Synth Bass', 'Ugly']
['Bass', 'Synth Bass', 'Dirty']
Type: Array
of String
['Additive', 'Analog']
Type: bool
use as filename.
Type: bool
remove all chunks except 'fmt ' or 'data'.
The functoin to provide data.
Type: instance of vinyl
Type: Array of Object
The RIFF chunks of source file.
properties of element
- id: String - chunk id
- data: Buffer - content of chunk
Type: function(err, data)
The callback function to support non-blocking data provider.
- only support '.wav' file.
- this plugin replace the exsiting ID3 chunk.
- here is an example project for this plugin.
- v0.1.0 was tested only with Komplete Kontrol v2.1 and Maschine v2.8.0.