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The versatile OBD2 toolkit for Swift developers. Diagnose, explore, and build custom vehicle apps with ease. Includes an emulator for streamlined prototyping.


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SwiftOBD2 is a Swift package designed to simplify communication with vehicles using an ELM327 OBD2 adapter. It provides a straightforward and powerful interface for interacting with your vehicle's onboard diagnostics system, allowing you to retrieve real-time data and perform diagnostics. Sample App.


  • iOS 14.0+ / macOS 11.0+
  • Xcode 13.0+
  • Swift 5.0+

Key Features

  • Connection Management:

    • Establishes connections to the OBD2 adapter via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.
    • Handles the initialization of the adapter and the vehicle connection process.
    • Manages connection states (disconnected, connectedToAdapter, connectedToVehicle).Command Interface: Send and receive OBD2 commands for powerful interaction with your vehicle.
  • Data Retrieval:

    • Supports requests for real-time vehicle data (RPM, speed, etc.) using standard OBD2 PIDs (Parameter IDs).
    • Provides functions to continuously poll and retrieve updated measurements.
    • Can get a list of supported PIDs from the vehicle.
  • Diagnostics:

    • Retrieves and clears diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs).
    • Gets the overall status of the vehicle's onboard systems.Sensor Monitoring: Retrieve and view data from various vehicle sensors in real time.
  • Adaptability and Configuration

    • Can switch between Bluetooth and Wi-Fi communication seamlessly.
    • Allows for testing and development with a demo mode.


  • Connect to an OBD2 adapter via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
  • Retrieve error codes (DTCs) stored in the vehicle's OBD2 system
  • Retrieve various OBD2 Parameter IDs (PIDs) for monitoring vehicle parameters
  • Retrieve real-time vehicle data (RPM, speed, etc.) using standard OBD2 PIDs
  • Get supported PIDs from the vehicle
  • Clear error codes (DTCs) stored in the vehicle's OBD2 system
  • Run tests on the OBD2 system
  • Retrieve vehicle status since DTCs cleared
  • Connect to an OBD2 adapter via WIFI
  • Add support for custom PIDs

Setting Up a Project

  1. Create a New Swift Project:

    • Open Xcode and start a new iOS project (You can use a simple "App" template).
  2. Add the SwiftOBD2 Package:

  3. Permissions and Capabilities:

    • If your app will use Bluetooth, you need to request the appropriate permissions and capabilities:
      • Add NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription to your Info.plist file with a brief description of why your app needs to use Bluetooth.
      • Navigate to the Signing & Capabilities tab in your project settings and add the Background Modes capability. Enable the Uses Bluetooth LE Accessories option.

Key Concepts

  • SwiftUI & Combine: Your code leverages the SwiftUI framework for building the user interface and Combine for reactive handling of updates from the OBDService.
  • OBDService: This is the core class within the SwiftOBD2 package. It handles communication with the OBD-II adapter and processes data from the vehicle.
  • OBDServiceDelegate: This protocol is crucial for receiving updates about the connection state and other events from the OBDService.
  • OBDCommand: These represent specific requests you can make to the vehicle's ECU (Engine Control Unit) for data.


  1. Import and Setup
    • Begin by importing the necessary modules:
import SwiftUI
import SwiftOBD2
import Combine
  1. ViewModel

    • Create a ViewModel class that conforms to the ObservableObject protocol. This allows your SwiftUI views to observe changes in the ViewModel.
    • Inside the ViewModel:
      • Define a @Published property measurements to store the collected data.
      • Initialize an OBDService instance, setting the desired connection type (e.g., Bluetooth, Wi-Fi).
  2. Connection Handling

    • Implement the connectionStateChanged method from the OBDServiceDelegate protocol. Update the UI based on connection state changes (disconnected, connected, etc.) or handle any necessary logic.
  3. Starting the Connection

    • Create a startConnection function (ideally using async/await) to initiate the connection process with the OBD-II adapter. The OBDService's startConnection method will return useful OBDInfo about the vehicle. Like the Supported PIDs, Protocol, etc.
  4. Stopping the Connection

    • Create a stopConnection function to cleanly disconnect the service.
  5. Retrieving Information

    • Use the OBDService's methods to retrieve data from the vehicle, such as getting the vehicle's status, scanning for trouble codes, or requesting specific PIDs.
      • getTroubleCodes: Retrieve diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) from the vehicle's OBD-II system.
      • getStatus: Retrieves Status since DTCs cleared.
  6. Continuous Updates

    • Use the startContinuousUpdates method to continuously poll and retrieve updated measurements from the vehicle. This method returns a Combine publisher that you can subscribe to for updates.
    • Can also add PIDs to the continuous updates using the addPID method.

Code Example

class ViewModel: ObservableObject {
    @Published var measurements: [OBDCommand: MeasurementResult] = [:]
    @Published var connectionState: ConnectionState = .disconnected

    var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>()
    var requestingPIDs: [OBDCommand] = [.mode1(.rpm)] {
        didSet {
            addPID(command: requestingPIDs[-1])
    init() {
            .assign(to: &$connectionState)

    let obdService = OBDService(connectionType: .bluetooth)

    func startContinousUpdates() {
        obdService.startContinuousUpdates([.mode1(.rpm)]) // You can add more PIDs
            .sink { completion in
            } receiveValue: { measurements in
                self.measurements = measurements
            .store(in: &cancellables)

    func addPID(command: OBDCommand) {

    func stopContinuousUpdates() {

    func startConnection() async throws  {
        let obd2info = try await obdService.startConnection(preferedProtocol: .protocol6)

    func stopConnection() {

    func switchConnectionType() {

    func getStatus() async {
        let status = try? await obdService.getStatus()
        print(status ?? "nil")

    func getTroubleCodes() async {
        let troubleCodes = try? await obdService.scanForTroubleCodes()
        print(troubleCodes ?? "nil")

struct ContentView: View {
    @ObservedObject var viewModel = ViewModel()
    var body: some View {
        VStack(spacing: 20) {
            Text("Connection State: \(viewModel.connectionState.rawValue)")
            ForEach(viewModel.requestingPIDs, id: \.self) { pid in
                Text("\( \(viewModel.measurements[pid]?.value ?? 0) \(viewModel.measurements[pid]?.unit.symbol ?? "")")
            Button("Connect") {
                Task {
                    do {
                        try await viewModel.startConnection()
                    } catch {

            Button("Stop") {

            Button("Add PID") {

Supported OBD2 Commands

A comprehensive list of supported OBD2 commands will be available in the full documentation (coming soon).

Important Considerations

  • Ensure you have a compatible ELM327 OBD2 adapter.
  • Permissions: If using Bluetooth, your app may need to request Bluetooth permissions from the user.
  • Error Handling: Implement robust error handling mechanisms to gracefully handle potential communication issues.
  • Background Updates (Optional): If your app needs background OBD2 data updates, explore iOS background fetch capabilities and fine-tune your library and app to work effectively in the background.


This project welcomes your contributions! Feel free to open issues for bug reports or feature requests. To contribute code:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create your feature branch.
  3. Commit your changes with descriptive messages.
  4. Submit a pull request for review.


The Swift OBD package is distributed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Give this package a ⭐️ if you find it useful!


The versatile OBD2 toolkit for Swift developers. Diagnose, explore, and build custom vehicle apps with ease. Includes an emulator for streamlined prototyping.



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