unsat-frac: A PorePy extension package for simulating the saturated-unsaturated flow in fractured porous media
unsat-frac is a Python package created as an extension of PorePy for modeling and simulation of the unsaturated flow with fractures acting as capillary barriers.
If you use unsat-frac in your research, we ask you to cite the following reference:
Varela, J., Keilegavlen, E., Nordbotten, J. M., & Radu, F. A. (2023). A Model for Saturated-Unsaturated Flow with Fractures Acting as Capillary Barriers. Authorea Preprints.
unsat-frac is developed under Python >= 3.9. Get the latest version by cloning this repository, i.e.:
git clone https://github.com/jhabriel/unsat-frac.git
cd unsat-frac
Now, install the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
unsat-fract requires PorePy (commit b5ddf54cf5e71ee96ec8526234f24a1ee6a81a1c) to be installed. If you do not have PorePy installed, please do so before installing unsat-frac.
To install unsat-frac:
pip install .
Or, for user-editable installations:
pip install --editable .
All the numerical examples included in the manuscript can be found in the paper_examples folder.
Create an issue.
See license md.