A laravel administrative interface that can help you build a CRUD backend with low/no-code. Inspired by laravel-admin, the difference is Laradmin builds backend base on metadata (JSON), and using JSON to combine widgets and components to implement interfaces.
JF Xia Joseph Kwan
PHP >= 7.2 Laravel = 6.20
- User Management with RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) - JF Xia
- CRUD Backend Model Page Template(tabler)/Grid/Form - JF Xia
- CRUD Backend Model Show/Widgets - JF Xia/Joseph Kwan
- CRUD Backend Designer & Generator - Joseph Kwan
- Report Designer & Generator - Joseph Kwan
- Apply Tabler base Bootstrap 4.0 to layout.blade.php
- Manage Account & User Login
- Login: Username and password are required.
- can create/update/delete account by admin
- User can create a model, e.g. travel ideas
- Create Entity name (travel ideas) and attributes for the model
- User can add new Attributes for the model with entity_id(entity id for travel idea), label, data_type(e.g. varchar, int, json), front_type (e.g. text, select, image)
- e.g. travel ideas entity has some attributes (e.g. [{label:'title',data_type:'varchar',front_type:'text'},{label:'start date',data_type:'date',front_type:'date picker'},{label:'tags',data_type:'json',front_type:'tag'},])
- data_type is same as mysql data type
- Attributes's front_type is extendable by template function, including: text, data, select, etc.
- Extend template view for <input>, <button>, model grid, model form. e.g. view('input',['field':'col-md-8','label':'Title','type':'text','name':'title'])
- Use google map open api for location select (front_type)
- Use google(or aliyun) Cloud Object Storage open api for image upload (front_type)
- Auto Generate CRUD(Create/Read/Update/Delete) Backend Model code
- Use data_type and label in Entity (travel ideas) and Model/Migrate/Controller template to Auto Generate code
- Use front_type and label in Entity (travel ideas) to Auto Generate form view (index/show/edit/create.blade.php)
- Search function for Grid, admin can set Search fields in Entity Attributes
- Data validations for Form, admin can set field validations in Entity Attributes
- Create Report model
- Create a report with a Entity, or build a select sql with some setting
- Use chart.js and view template to show the chart report
- RBAC (Role-Based Access Control)
- For model
- For model Attributes
- For data row
- For report
- [Laravel] (http://laravel.com)
- [Tabler base Bootstrap 4.0] (https://github.com/tabler/tabler)
- [apexcharts.js] (https://github.com/apexcharts/apexcharts.js)
- [JSONEditor] (https://github.com)
- [Composer] (https://getcomposer.org/)
- [MySQL] (https://mysql.com)
- [NPM] (https://www.npmjs.com/)
- [Chart.js] (https://www.chartjs.org/)
- Workflow (BPMN 2.0)
- Localization
- Documentation
laradmin is licensed under The MIT License (MIT).