System to send AI generated art to an E-Paper display through a Raspberry PI unit
An article has been published on pycasso's development here.
Yee-ha. |
Inspiration for this project based on Tom Whitwell's SlowMovie and the very helpful write-up available at on setting up epaper to work with a Raspberry Pi unit. I also liberally reused a lot of the script from this project because of the similarities and because it's pretty good. I would also like to acknowledge robweber who not only created omni-epd which I implemented so that this can work dynamically with many displays, but also provided me with a lot of good code examples that I referred back to often to try to ensure I was following best practises.
Uses stability-sdk to interact with Stable Diffusion's API.
Uses openai-python to interact with DALL-E's API.
- Install Raspberry Pi OS from . When flashing SD card, ensure you set up your wireless details for easy access, otherwise you will have to follow configuration steps with the screen plugged in. Put the SD card into your Raspberry Pi unit
- If using, attach PiJuice HAT onto Raspberry Pi. See pijuice documentation for more information. You can always do this later if you don't want to use PiJuice yet.
- CAREFULLY plug EPD into Raspberry Pi, or on top of pijuice HAT, following instructions from the vendor. pycasso implements omni-epd and should work with any EPD listed on this page: .
- Connect power directly to Raspberry Pi (or PiJuice unit) once done.
- SSH into the raspberry pi unit, or plug monitor and keyboard in.
- (Optional) Run
sudo apt-get update
andsudo apt-get upgrade
to update system - Run the following code to install pycasso in your home directory:
bash <(curl
- Take note of the proposed installation directory
- Select
Option 1
- Install/Upgrade pycasso - Select "Yes" to enable service on boot if that is what you want to do (it is probably what you want to do)
- (Optional) If you want to use pijuice, select "Yes" to install PiJuice
- (Optional) Select
Option 5 - Apply GRPCIO Fix
(There are issues with GLIBC on raspberry pi, and it was installed by the Stable Diffusion package. This fixes it up and does not appear to break Stable Diffusion. You'll probably have to do this.)- If this does not work, try
Option 6 - Apply GRPCIO Update
. (GRPCIO can be a tough cookie and acts differently on different operating systems, which makes this bit a little complicated)
- If this does not work, try
- Select
Option 7 - Set an API key or connect website
, enter your provider and enter your key. Currently supporting openai, Stable Diffusion. You can run this multiple times to add multiple providers or update your keys. Please note that these providers are a paid service, and after any free credits expire, you will need to pay for more credits to maintain functionality. (You don't have to do this if you are loading external images, but to request images from an AI image provider, you'll need to define your API key here. By default, this will be stored in a plaintext file in the application folder. This is not ideal, but it is the best I have figured out until I can get GRPCIO playing nicely.) - (Optional) Select
Option 9 - Disable pijuice LEDs
. If you have a PiJuice unit, you can run this to disable the constantly flashing LED on the device to save precious battery. - (Optional) Select
Option 10 - Install SMB and default shares
. This will set up a full access share in prompts and images folders, useful for easy management over the network but risky as it shares the folders with full permissions. Only do this on a trusted network.
- Make sure you are in your pycasso install directory.
- Run
nano .config
for all configuration options. There's a lot to play with here, and apart from file paths you should be able to play around and see what happens. - The most important item of configuration is
. You should set this to the supported EPD you have plugged in, anything from omni-epd's readme should work, copy and paste the appropriate EPD string and paste it here instead of omni_epd.mock. Leaving type as omni_epd.mock will generate a png file in this folder instead of updating the display. - run
python3 examples/
and see if it works on your screen. (If your screen is not displaying an image there's most likely a problem with your EPD, you can also check pycasso.log to troubleshoot)
- Run
to configure your PiJuice unit. - See PiJuice documentation for more information. My preferred configuration is to set a wakeup timer to start at a preferred time daily, but you can set this as you see fit.
- You can configure the buttons on the PiJuice to perform different functions. I recommend leaving the first switch as power on device, as this is very useful for cycling the image or for turning the device on while powered to administer.
PiJuice CLI Menu |
PiJuice CLI Wakeup Configuration |
- Run
sudo systemctl restart pycasso
and see if it worked!
- If you have run through the installation and pycasso is working, it will run on startup. Normal behaviour is to run once and close, if you have an always-on system, you may wish to disable the service and just run pycasso or start the service through cron.
- With a PiJuice, you can configure
to automatically shut down and remove power to the board when pycasso is done, to complete a headless fully battery driven process. Be a little careful with this as to save battery, it prefers to shut down above all else, even on exception. If you experience a program error you will only havewait_to_run
(default 30) seconds to connect to the pi and disable the service to fix. - Play around a bit with the
options so that everything on the screen looks good to you and works for your implementation. There is a description of all configuration items in the file. While experimenting, I recommend setting the mode to only fetch images from historic backlog usinghistoric_amount
, so that you aren't spending credits on your API while setting it up. - Configure your prompts to send to providers using /prompts/artists.txt, /prompts/subjects.txt and /prompts/prompts.txt
- Review the markup of the example prompts to learn how to apply randomisation for interesting effect in your prompt
- Have a play around with the prompts and see what works for you. See Hierarchical bracket wildcards for more information.
- Access to the prompt generation files, configuration, and saved images may be complicated through your raspberry pi unit. I recommend setting up an SMB share for easy access to these folders. Feature request to set this up automatically is tracked here.
- If you have set
to true, you should be able to plug your PiJuice into power to ensure it stays on when you start it. - If a disaster occurs, and you have
both set to True and you cannot keep the device on long enough to log in, you might need to unplug the SD card and try to fix the config. If this option is not available to you, it's possible you might need to flash it and start from scratch. A possible solution to these issues while maintaining a priority on extending battery life is being tracked here.
To enhance dynamic prompt generation within pycasso, many text files and strings in pycasso are parsed to replace wildcard text. This allows more flexibility when defining prompts.
By default, the three types of brackets used are:
- ()
- []
- {}
These can be added to, removed, or customised in .config
Different options are separated by a pipe, for example (Option 1|Option 2|[Option {3|4|5|6}|Option 7])
. The parser will first look for the lowest level of brackets (in this example {}), choose only one random option of the text, and then proceed to the next levels. Unless otherwise specified, each option has an equal chance of being chosen from each bracket pair. This means with nested brackets, you should consider the way the parsing works when thinking about the likelihood of a certain item of text occurring. For example, A (Good|[B|R]ad) Dog
could return A Good Dog
A Bad Dog
or A Rad Dog
. The option will be picked randomly between each bracket pair, so you have 50% chance of A Good Dog
, 25% chance of A Bad Dog
and 25% chance of A Rad Dog
At the start of any segment, you can also provide a weighting for a particular option. For example (20:Option A|Option B|0:Option C)
should provide Option A
about 20 times more often than Option B
. Option C
would never appear. These weightings can also be used at the start of every line in one of the prompt-building text files to specify the likelihood of that line being chosen.
Have a play around with the strings and see what works for you. You can leave the EPD in test mode with no provider modes selected, and the test display will show you what subject it would have fetched.
Here are a few more examples of how one may use these to make simple prompts more complex:
A (|Happy|Sad) (Dog|Cat|Bird)
could result in:
A Dog
,A Happy Dog
,A Sad Dog
,A Cat
,A Happy Cat
,A Sad Cat
,A Cat
,A Happy Bird
orA Sad Bird
. All options have the same probability of occurring.
A (Dog|Cat) (|[Carrying|Stealing] A[n Apple| Banana])
could result in:
- 1/4 of the time
A Dog
, 1/4 of the timeA Cat
, 1/16 of the timeA Dog Carrying An Apple
, 1/16 of the timeA Dog Carrying A Banana
, 1/16 of the timeA Dog Stealing An Apple
, 1/16 of the timeA Dog Stealing A Banana
, 1/16 of the timeA Cat Carrying An Apple
, 1/16 of the timeA Cat Stealing An Apple
, 1/16 of the timeA Cat Stealing An Apple
or 1/16 of the timeA Cat Stealing A Banana
A(5: Friendly|2:n Uncommon| Rare) (3:Dog|Cat)
could result in:
- 15/32 of the time
A Friendly Dog
, 3/16 of the timeAn Uncommon Dog
, 3/32 of the timeA Rare Dog
, 5/32 of the timeA Friendly Cat
, 1/16 of the timeAn Uncommon Cat
or 1/32 of the timeA Rare Cat
You can run nano .config
in the pycasso install folder to configure the way pycasso runs. There are a lot of options to configure your experience, and it is highly recommended to play around with these options to find the settings that work best for your setup. If at any time you wish to roll back to the default configuration you can find it is /examples/.config-example
, or you can delete .config and running pycasso will restore the defaults automatically. If you are running pycasso frequently to see what changes your updates make, it is recommended to either use the test mode by setting all providers to 0, or using external/generated modes so that you are not being charged by your provider for each time you run the program. Below you will find a full explanation of all configuration sections and items.
Settings related to file operations within pycasso
: A boolean flag that instructs pycasso whether to save images retrieved from providers or not. If 'True', pycasso will always save images retrieved in a defined location. If 'False' pycasso will only display the image on the EPD, once the EPD is updated again this image will be lost.(Boolean)
: A boolean flag that instructs pycasso whether to append a datetime at the start of the saved filename.(Boolean)
: A file path relative to the pycasso working directory to load external images from, when using external mode.(String)
: A file path relative to the pycasso working directory to save generated images to when using a provider, and load them from when using generated mode.(String)
: The file type to look for when loading images from external or generated image folders. Most of the time it will be "png".(String)
: A file path relative to the pycasso working directory to load a font file from. This supports drawing text on the EPD.(String)
: A file path relative to the pycasso working directory to load 'subjects' from when using prompt mode 1.(String)
: A file path relative to the pycasso working directory to load 'artists' from when using prompt mode 1.(String)
: A file path relative to the pycasso working directory to load 'prompts' from when using prompt mode 2.(String)
: A boolean flag that instructs pycasso whether to resize external images. If 'True', pycasso will resize images provided to it so that the whole image will fit in the EPD. If 'False', pycasso will fill the whole screen with the image by resizing to a smaller extent, and then cropping.(Boolean)
These settings are consumed by omni-epd to customise the EPD information. See omni-epd for supported displays for more information on omni-epd options
: The type of EPD display being used. See omni-epd for supported displays and their names.(String)
: The color mode to run the EPD with. See omni-epd for supported modes of each display.(String)
: By default not required and commented out. Uncomment and configure based on information provided here if you wish to customise the palette. Required for dithering.(Tuple)
These settings are consumed by omni-epd to customise the display on the EPD. See omni-epd for more information on these options.
: Rotation of the image in degrees. You probably don't need to use this, use the other rotate option in Generation instead.(Integer)
: A boolean flag that instructs the EPD to flip the image horizontally or not(Boolean)
: A boolean flag that instructs the EPD to flip the image vertically or not(Boolean)
: By default commented out. Uncomment to set a dithering mode to use. See the omni-epd wiki for supported modes and more information.(String)
: By default commented out. Uncomment if usingdither
. Sets the strength of the dithering algorithm. See the omni-epd wiki for more information.(Float)
: By default commented out. Uncomment if usingdither
. A boolean flag that instructs the dithering algorithm to use serpentine dithering or not. See the omni-epd wiki for more information.(Boolean)
These settings are consumed by omni-epd to customise the display on the EPD. See omni-epd for more information on these options.
: Sets contrast amount for EPD. 1 is normal.(Integer)
: Sets brightness amount for EPD. 1 is normal.(Integer)
: Sets sharpness amount for EPD. 1 is normal.(Integer)
Settings related to creation of prompts for submission and requests from AI art providers
: The mode to use in prompt generation.(Integer)
This currently supports 3 different types of modes:1
- (preamble
- subjects.txt -connector
- artists.txt -postscript
- (preamble
- prompts.txt -postscript
- Any of the above (randomly chooses one of the above options)
: Text that fills in thepreamble
part of the prompt construction above. Hierarchical bracket wildcards supported.(String)
: Text that fills in theconnector
part of the prompt construction above. Hierarchical bracket wildcards supported.(String)
: Text that fills in thepostscript
part of the prompt construction above. Hierarchical bracket wildcards supported.(String)
Settings related to parsing text of filenames and strings, and text display on the EPD
: A boolean flag that instructs pycasso whether to display a textbox on the EPD or not.(Boolean)
: A boolean flag that instructs pycasso whether to parse filenames in external image mode or not.(Boolean)
: Normal regex to find the split point between the preamble and the main text in external image names.(String)
: Normal regex to find the split point between the subject and artist in external image names.(String)
: A list of strings to find and completely remove from any file names to parse into pycasso.(List)
: A boolean flag that instructs pycasso whether to interpret certain strings using hierarchical bracket wildcards or not.(Boolean)
: A list of bracket pairs in order of the highest to the lowest level in hierarchy.(List)
: A boolean flag that instructs pycasso whether to draw the text box all the way to the bottom of the image instead of just appearing around the text.(Boolean)
: A boolean flag that instructs pycasso whether to draw the text box all the way to the edges of the image instead of just appearing around the text.(Boolean)
: Distance in pixels of the artist text away from the bottom of the image.(Integer)
: Font size of the artist text.(Integer)
: Distance in pixels of the title text away from the bottom of the image.(Integer)
: Font size of the title text.(Integer)
: Padding of the text box containing title and artist text.(Integer)
: Opacity of the text box. 0 for fully transparent and 255 for fully opaque.(Integer)
: A boolean flag to indicate whether to override final text with other text from a file(Boolean)
: A file path relative to the pycasso working directory to load the override text from when override_text is enabled(String)
Settings related to status icons to display on EPD
: Color to show icon in. Set toauto
to automatically detect white or black depending on shade of background(String)
: Padding from the top left corner in pixels to place the icon(Integer)
: Which corner to place the icons in. Can benw
: Size of the status icon in pixels(Integer)
: The width of the line of the status icon in pixels (currently unused due to new icon system)(Integer)
: Gap in pixels in between individual icons(Integer)
: Opacity of the status icon. 0 for fully transparent and 255 for fully opaque.(Integer)
: A file path relative to the pycasso working directory to find the icons in.(String)
: A boolean flag that instructs pycasso to show a battery status icon.(Boolean)
: A boolean flag that instructs pycasso to show an icon based on provider used, and any provider failure.(Boolean)
: A boolean flag that instructs pycasso to show an icon on exception.(Boolean)
Settings related to error and information logging from pycasso.
: A file path relative to the pycasso working directory to save log file(String)
: Minimum logging level to save to log file. Possible options - CRITICAL:50, ERROR:40, WARNING:30, INFO:20, DEBUG:10, NOTSET:0(Integer)
Settings related to image providers.
- The following items are integers providing the 'comparative chance' they will be chosen. This means you could choose multiple provider modes and pycasso will randomly choose one of them. The higher integer gives a higher chance of being picked. For example,
external_amount = 0
,historic_amount = 1
andstability_amount = 2
would result in External images never appearing, and approximately 1 Historic image appearing for every 2 Stable Diffusion images. If all options are set to 0, pycasso will either exit or run its test mode depending on the value oftest_enabled
: The comparative chance of pycasso running External mode (loading an image from theexternal_image_location
: The comparative chance of pycasso running Historic mode (loading an image from thegenerated_image_location
: The comparative chance of pycasso running Stable Diffusion mode (loading an image online from Stable Diffusion).(Integer)
: The comparative chance of pycasso running DALLE mode (loading an image online from DALLE).(Integer)
: The comparative chance of pycasso running Automatic1111 Stable Diffusion WebUI mode (loading an image from a valid Automatic1111 API).(Integer)
: A boolean flag that instructs pycasso whether to use keychain to manage keys. When set to false will just look for .creds file with credentials in it. This may or may not work depending on your board. See grpcio issues for more information.(Boolean)
: A file path relative to the pycasso working directory to find API credentials.(String)
: A boolean flag that instructs pycasso to run a test mode when all other providers are set to 0.(Boolean)
: A string that provides the API location to send the request to for Stable Diffusion online.(String)
: If usingautomatic
mode, this is the IP address or host of the Automatic1111 WebUI API.(String)
: If usingautomatic
mode, this is the port to use for the Automatic1111 WebUI API.(Integer)
: A boolean flag that instructs pycasso to fall back to another random non-zero provider if originally chosen provider fails.(Boolean)
Settings related to generation of images with AI image providers
: Rotation of the image PRIOR to sending to providers. This way you can get an image that fits well in portrait or landscape as per your preference.(Integer)
: A boolean flag that instructs pycasso to request an image to be infilled again if original image does not fill out the whole frame.(Boolean)
: If infill is set to true, this will make the original image request smaller by this percentage, and then infill the rest of the image to fit the frame.(Integer)
Settings related to PiJuice HAT configuration.
: A boolean flag that instructs the run script whether to use PiJuice classes.(Boolean)
: A boolean flag that instructs the run script whether to shut down the raspberry pi if PiJuice is running on battery (not plugged in to power).(Boolean)
: A boolean flag that instructs the run script whether to shut down if program encounters an exception. Used to stop battery running down on error. WARNING: Worst case scenario this could result in having to flash your device, if pycasso keeps restarting after failures you may not be able to SSH in even after a wait time.(Boolean)
: Time to wait in seconds before running pycasso. Can help in ensuring PiJuice class is ready, and gives a buffer to SSH into device if encountering issues.(Integer)
: Battery percentage that pycasso should start showing low battery symbol.(Integer)
Settings related to posting and sharing pycasso output on the web. Use to set up.
: A string to put between subject and artist if posting in this mode.(String)
: A boolean flag that instructs pycasso to attempt to post image to Mastodon.(Boolean)
: The app name to associate with your account.(String)
: The url to the account's mastodon instance(String)
: A file path relative to the pycasso working directory to mastodon's client secret(String)
: A file path relative to the pycasso working directory to mastodon's user secret(String)
The following settings are only relevant for development. Only use them if you know what you're doing.
: Width in pixels to set the mock EPD to. Mostly for testing purposes.(Integer)
: Height in pixels to set the mock EPD to. Mostly for testing purposes.(Integer)
By default, pycasso puts a faint symbol on the top left of the EPD to inform of system events. By default, these are:
- Square for low battery (low battery warning level configurable in
, default 15%) - Cross for exception (likely PiJuice failing to load if you are using it, try a longer
) . If you have anything odd in yourpycasso.log
file you can post it here.
I have experienced this error even with the most recent release of raspbian. Following this appeared to work, however I haven't had any luck for a while. It might work for you:
sudo pip3 uninstall grpcio
sudo pip3 uninstall grpcio-status
sudo pip3 install grpcio==1.44.0 --no-binary=grpcio
sudo pip3 install grpcio-tools==1.44.0 --no-binary=grpcio-tools
If you can't store your credentials in keyring, you'll have to set the use_keyring
option in .config
to False, and provide your credentials using
option 5 or
I have found this might cause issues with PiJuice. This is possibly due to running a lite version of the operating system. I found success by:
- Updating the kernel with
sudo rpi-update
- Rebooting
- Running
sudo raspi-config
- Selecting
Interface Options -> I2C -> Yes
If you're experiencing a bug or issue, or have a feature request, please visit the Issues page to let us know. Recommend including the relevant information provided in pycasso.log
and your current .config