Merge pull request #89 from jetbrains-academy/stephen-hero-patch-1 #53
GitHub Actions / Qodana for JVM
Oct 29, 2024 in 0s
No new problems found by Qodana for JVM
Qodana for JVM
It seems all right 👌
No new problems were found according to the checks applied
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Detected 31 dependencies
Third-party software list
This page lists the third-party software dependencies used in CSC_Kotlin_Course_Part3
Dependency | Version | Licenses |
annotations | 13.0 | Apache-2.0 |
apiguardian-api | 1.1.2 | Apache-2.0 |
jackson-annotations | 2.13.3 | Apache-2.0 |
jackson-core | 2.13.3 | Apache-2.0 |
jackson-databind | 2.13.3 | Apache-2.0 |
jackson-datatype-jsr310 | 2.13.3 | Apache-2.0 |
jakarta.annotation-api | 1.3.5 | Classpath-exception-2.0 EPL-2.0 GPL-2.0-only |
junit-jupiter-api | 5.9.0 | EPL-2.0 |
junit-platform-commons | 1.8.2 | EPL-2.0 |
junit-platform-commons | 1.9.0 | EPL-2.0 |
log4j-api | 2.17.2 | Apache-2.0 |
log4j-to-slf4j | 2.17.2 | Apache-2.0 |
snakeyaml | 1.30 | Apache-2.0 |
spring-aop | 5.3.22 | Apache-2.0 |
spring-beans | 5.3.22 | Apache-2.0 |
spring-boot-autoconfigure | 2.7.3 | Apache-2.0 |
spring-boot-starter-json | 2.7.3 | Apache-2.0 |
spring-boot-starter-logging | 2.7.3 | Apache-2.0 |
spring-boot-starter-tomcat | 2.7.3 | Apache-2.0 |
spring-boot-starter-web | 2.7.3 | Apache-2.0 |
spring-boot-starter | 2.7.3 | Apache-2.0 |
spring-boot | 2.7.3 | Apache-2.0 |
spring-context | 5.3.22 | Apache-2.0 |
spring-core | 5.3.22 | Apache-2.0 |
spring-expression | 5.3.22 | Apache-2.0 |
spring-jcl | 5.3.22 | Apache-2.0 |
spring-web | 5.3.22 | Apache-2.0 |
spring-webmvc | 5.3.22 | Apache-2.0 |
tomcat-embed-core | 9.0.65 | Apache-2.0 CDDL-1.0 |
tomcat-embed-el | 9.0.65 | Apache-2.0 |
tomcat-embed-websocket | 9.0.65 | Apache-2.0 |
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