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A Leaflet map sprinkled with some reagent voodoo.


Include locus in your project.clj dependencies.

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Add to your file's namespace :require

(:require [ :as locus])

Take a look in examples/ to see locus in use.


FYI: "locus map" means the graphical representation of the earth, and "map" means a Clojure hash map.

(locus/base-map map-opts)


{;; id for the div element containing the locus map
 :id "locus-map"
 ;; JSON format for describing tilesets
 :tile-json nil
 ;; initial zoom and center
 :init-zoom 2
 :init-center #js [35 0]
 ;; any options passed to the locus map upon creation
 :options {:zoomControl false
           :attributionControl false
           :minZoom 2}
 ;; url for where tile-layer is served from
 :tile-layer-url ""
 ;; any events you want the locus map to handle
 ;; use key as the event name, and the value as the callback fn
 :map-events {:zoomend (fn [_] ...)
              :dragend (fn [_] ...)
              :etc ...}
 ;; what shapes are drawn on the locus map (more details below)
 ;; must be a collection of maps, wrapped in an r/atom
 :map-shapes (r/atom [{woo-shapes}])
 ;; a r/atom that will be assigned the reference to the map as there
 ;; could be multiple maps that you want to add/remove shapes from
 :map-ref (r/atom nil)
 ;; options applied to every locus map shape
 :theme {:shape-opts {:marker {:color ...
 							   :popup ...
 							   :on-click (fn [e] ...)}
	                  :cluster {:color ...
	                  			:popup ...
 							    :on-click (fn [e] ...)}
	                  :polygon {}
	                  :polyline {...get}
	                  :rectangle {...the}
	                  :circle {...idea}}}
 ;; style options applied to the div element containing the locus map
 :style {:width "100%"

Map Shapes

Your locus map shapes should look similar to this:

{:type ;; one of :circle :rectangle :polyline :polygon :marker
 :latlons ;; [lat lon] or [[lat lon] [lat lon] ...]
 :radius ;; int, for circles only
 :arc? ;; boolean, for polylines only
 ;; opts are basically anything found on leaflet vector layers
 :opts {:color ...
 	    :popup ...
	    :on-click (fn [e] ...)

Adding Shapes

Each shape on the locus map can be added in 2 different ways:

(1) Explicitly by calling

(locus/add! map-ref shape)
;; or
(locus/add! map-ref shape marker-layer)

This requires a reference to the locus map, and a shape map as detailed above. marker-layer lets you add markers to a special layer, in case you want to do clustering or something like that. This will return the same shape map merged with an additional kv pair, :ref containing the leaflet reference to the added shape. By explicitly adding shapes to the locus map you have to handle the themeing, updating, etc., yourself.

(2) Implicitly by updating the contents of :shapes passed into the locus map map-opts when it's created. Since it's wrapped in a r/atom, this will cause a re-render due to reagent voodoo. Some nifty features are already implemented when shapes are implicitly added, like themeing, updating, and replicating past IDL boundaries.

Removing Shapes

Each shape on the locus map can be removed in 2 different ways:

(1) Explicitly by calling

(locus/remove! map-ref shape)
;; or
(locus/remove! map-ref shape marker-layer)

This requires a reference to the locus map, and a shape map containing a :ref.

(2) Implicitly by updating the contents of :shapes passed into the locus map when it's created. Since it's wrapped in a r/atom, this will cause a re-render.


Unfortunately pull requests are not being accepted at this time, but please feel free to submit bug reports and requests by raising issues.

Copyright and License

Copyright © 2015, 2016 7theta

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License.


A geo-spatial library







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