What's Changed
- Adds a getRevision method to workItem by @Mitrimo in #108
- Added assert index is integer by @vjacobjo in #109
- Update comments.py to allow user to select text type by @fieschkon in #116
- Add document exporting functionality by @fieschkon in #121
- Allow test step 0 to be removed. #123 by @jesper-raemaekers in #126
- Add method to get linked items #124 by @jesper-raemaekers in #127
- feat: Implement contextmanager for Record. by @therealevahill in #128
- Update multiple parts of wi. by @therealevahill in #129
- polarion_client.rst: skip_cert_verification is verify_certificate by @FlominatorTM in #132
- Add check for removed workitems #138 by @jesper-raemaekers in #142
- Catch exceptions on deleted workitems when getting the document content by @jesper-raemaekers in #143
- PDF functionality optional #124 by @jesper-raemaekers in #144
- Fix readthedocs by @jesper-raemaekers in #145
- Preparations for release 1.3.0 by @jesper-raemaekers in #146
New Contributors
- @Mitrimo made their first contribution in #108
- @vjacobjo made their first contribution in #109
- @fieschkon made their first contribution in #116
- @therealevahill made their first contribution in #128
- @FlominatorTM made their first contribution in #132
Full Changelog: V1.2.1...V1.3.0