PMBOK p.352
Project documents:
- dd Issue log
- dd Lessons learned register
- dd Physical resource assignments
- dd Project schedule
- dd Resource breakdown structure
- dd Resource requirements
- dd Risk register
Work performance data Agreement list OPA Organizational process assets
Data analysis:
- Alternatives analysis
- Cost-benefit analysis
- Performance reviews
- Trend analysis Problem solving Interpersonal and team skills
- Negotiation
- Influencing
Project management information system
new Work perfomance information new dd Change requests
Project management plan updates: root Project management plan
- updates to qq Resource management plan
- updates to qq Schedule baseline
- updates to qq Cost baseline
Project document updates:
- updates to dd Assumption log
- updates to dd Issue log
- updates to dd Lessons learned register
- updates to dd Physical resource assignments
- updates to dd Resource breakdown structure
- updates to dd Risk register