Still in development. Facebook Messenger chatbot that sends information and links about food options around Yale-NUS campus. Chat with the bot on messenger at this page:
I used to start.
Hosted on Heroku.
- Facebook messenger API
- HTML requests
- Xml object parsing with Xpath
- git markdown
- gitignore
- git branching
- caching with pylibmc
- Update Cendana buttery timing
- Cache for webscrape
- Cache for everything
- Buttery menus
- Brewhouse: quick reply, welcome_msg, reply, get_all, carousel, match_keyword, test
- Grab n Go preview
- upload all img to imgbb
- coffee stand openings/updates
- Set up Firebase, link with Gdrive CMS
Features to explore
- Order buttery food?
- Notification subscriptions?
- YNC general info, memes/comics subscription
- receipt scanner/expenses recorder
- Get Started message
- Share Button
- Carousel messages
- Persistent menu
- Lists
- Quick Replies
- update buttery opening timings
- update agora
- update dh webscraper/show more
- update copy (e.g. share message)
- Spoons and Forks link
- case insensitivity
10/8 Thursday
- Connect Google Form CMS
3/8 Thurs
- Facebook avpproval!
- xpath by day/tab rel
- Fix share quick_reply
- macs img, utown img, agora img
- Agora - grab n go scrape
2/8 Wed
- add emoji to all msgs
- Add location to amaan_buttons
- Remove explore (from keywords_desc_list, quick_replies, get_all_carousel, get_all_text, test_generator, match_keyword)
- Remove info (from keywords_desc_list, quick_replies, get_all_carousel, get_all_text, test_generator, match_keyword)
- Change Get Started description
30/07 Sunday
- Change coming_soon_msg
- refactor info msg to concat all texts
- Add "Share" image.
- Add quick_replies to everything
- Get Started, GET_ STARTED_PB, start
- info, INFO_PB
- dh, DH_PB
- buttery, BUTTERY_PB
- amaan, AMAAN_PB
- MACS_PB, macs_msg
- AGORA_PB, agora_msg
- UTOWN_PB, utown_msg
- EXPLORE_PB, explore_msg
- "help", "HELP_PB"
- "FEEDBACK_PB", "feedback"
- "#feedback"
- GET_ALL_PB, get_all_msg
- turn typing delay back on
29/07 Saturday
- Write
- Refactor match_text_or_payload out into
- Refactor message_objects: add_quick_reply and generate_carousel_msg
- Feedback button
- #feedback prompt and received message
- Add emoji's to start_msg
- Add help button to sorry_msg
28/07 Friday
- Refactor
- texts
- postbacks
- Branch keyword_interface:
- Change start_msg
- Implement quick_replies
- Remove persistent menu
24/07 Monday
- Reformat daily special message
- Privacy Policy
- App Logo
- Fix typo
- Refactor
- Create test generators
23/07 Sunday
- Create messenger api json request generators (for image uploads and settings)
- Send Al Amaan Menu (upload images to FB server)