Simple Event Driven Network Library
Last released version : 1.0
The current master branch is version 1.2.
SedNL is a C++11 network library with a high level API. It is event driven, which means you bind functions on events and your callback will be asynchronously called in a multi-threaded environment. This reduce network to 'designing good events' and 'reacting to events'.
Events are mostly (but not only) typed messages. Typing (provided for free by the nice API) allow to ensure the servers and clients speak the same protocol, and add more flexibility in the structure of messages.
SedNL support asynchronous messaging through the use of TCP.
To check your installation and get started, you can compile the following code:
#include <SEDNL/sednl.hpp>
using namespace SedNL;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
TCPClient client(SocketAddress(4242, "localhost"));
client.send(Event("hello_msg", make_packet("Hello world")));
with the compile line g++ -std=c++11 -lpthread -lsednl file.cpp
Binding on events is really easy. Here is a small sample :
// Your callbacks :
void my_on_connect(Connection& c);
void my_on_disconnect(Connection& c);
void my_hello_msg(Connection& c, const Event& e);
void my_say_something(Connection& c, const Event& e);
void my_apples(Connection& c, const Event& e);
// Create a server
TCPServer server(SocketAddress(7777));
// Bind my_on_connect and listen from server
EventListener listener(server);
// Bind some events
EventConsumer consumer(listener);
// Launch listener thread and consumer thread;;
// Do what you want in the main thread ...
// Stop listener, close connections, and wait for the end of event processing.
Available soon.
32 Bits beta release is available here. 64 Bits beta release is available here.
Some distributions provide a package. For example, on archlinux, you can type yaourt -S sednl
Installation from sources: First, you have to git clone
Then, create a build directory. We will use a build directory in the clone : cd sednl ; mkdir build ; cd build
And now, we generate all the makefiles with cmake ..
Then, you are home, and you can type make ; sudo make install
If you want to build the documentation, type make doc
You should use cmake.exe / cmake-gui.exe.
If you want to build in sednl/build, to generate MinGW makefiles you
can type cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" ..
Notice that Visual Studio's compiler isn't C++11 compliant, and it's probably that SedNL won't build. Seams like VC++ 2013 will solve it. You can use Visual Studio with Clang++ or MinGW (or any C++11 compiler).
You can have a look to the examples folder to get an idea of the flexibility of this API.
The full documentation (very detailed) is available here :
SedNL use a queue to store the received events. This is done by the EventListener
class. Then, queues are
read by consumers thread. Creating a thread and setting callbacks is handled with the EventConsumer
For easy building of message, we provide a serialisation macro (although you can also write it by yourself) and rely on variadic templates. Events are instances of the Event
class, which is nothing
more than a Packet
instance bundled with a name (std::string
). The packet class provide way to stack data and build an Event.
Short event packets can easily be written by hand. For complex object, you can serialise instances of your classes, so that your message reduce to few serialized object. By doing so, you get a more flexible and reusable design.
You may notice that half of the library code isn't networking, but providing a hight level API so that you don't have to worry about handling concurency by hand, managing thread, protecting resources with mutexes, etc.