diagram url: https://cacoo.com/diagrams/5Vt6Zpua9yAqJmBI
cd apps/web/ python3 create_postgres_dockerfile.py cd ..
time docker-machine create -d virtualbox dev; eval "$(docker-machine env dev)"
time docker-compose build time docker-compose up -d time docker-compose run web env time docker-compose logs
docker-compose run --rm web python ./instance/db_create.py
Go to your favorite web browser and open: $ Check the IP address using 'docker-machine ip'
docker ps -aq.
docker stop
- Flask - web framework
- Jinga2 - templating engine
- SQLAlchemy - ORM (Object Relational Mapper)
- Flask-Bcrypt - password hashing
- Flask-Login - support for user management
- Flask-Migrate - database migrations
- Flask-WTF - simplifies forms
- itsdangerous - helps with user management, especially tokens
This application is written using Python 3.6.1. The database used is PostgreSQL.
Docker is the recommended tool for running in development and production.
Test without docker:
$ cd app
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ for i in $(ls | grep -v venv); do cp -r
Get Postgres and Nginx running....
$ psql -p 5432 -U postgres --password POSTGRES_USER = 'teladoc' POSTGRES_PASSWORD = 'flask_recipes'
Run app. Curl url.