🔔 NOTE: This Docker image was renamed to jenkins/agent on DockerHub. The previous jenkins/slave
image is now deprecated, but it will receive updates for the next 3 months. Users are advised to migrate to the new image. Windows release tags are not created for this version.
🚀 New features and improvements
- INFRA-1105 - Rename the image to jenkins/agent (#122) @oleg-nenashev
- Switch Debian images to Buster by default (#119) @oleg-nenashev
- Update Windows images to the 1809 baseline (#118) @slide
⚠️ Deprecated
- INFRA-1105 - Deprecate the jenkins/slave image on DockerHub. It will receive updates for the next 3 months. Users are advised to migrate to the new image
📝 Documentation updates
- Update documentation to reference official Windows image tags (#123) @oleg-nenashev
- Cleanup "slave.jar" references in Java 11 Debian image descriptions (#120) @oleg-nenashev
- INFRA-1105 - Fix reference to the renamed Inbound Agent image (#124) @oleg-nenashev