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Linux Performance Customer Profiler Utility

1. Overview
2. Running LPCPU
3. Postprocesssing the data
4. Viewing the results

1. Overview

The Linux Performance Customer Profiler Utility (LPCPU) is a utility that
integrates system configuration data collection, performance profiling data
collection, profiler data post processing, and graphing into a single package.
LPCPU relies on profiling utilities that are standard components of both
enterprise and community based distributions.  In addition to these dependencies
LPCPU bundles additional tools for processing the data and generating graphs.

Note: To create a new lpcpu.tar.bz2 tar ball, run:  

2. Running LPCPU

To run LPCPU, execute the script that is located in the top level
directory of the LPCPU distribution tarball (where this README is located).
The script takes several arguments, for an all inclusive list please
see the script header comments.  Ideally the script should be executed with root
privileges since many of the data collection steps it performs require the
elevated privileges of root.

Here is an example invocation which collects data for 60 seconds (the default
period is 120 seconds).  This example expects that the workload of interest is
already running on the system and the desire is to collect data from a 60 second
window while the workload executes:

root@host ~ $ ./lpcpu/ duration=60
Running Linux Performance Customer Profiler Utility version c7947e57eacca5b3ed3481d19d68a486accffff8 2013-11-12 14:04:11 -0600
Importing CLI variable : duration=60

Starting Time: Tue Nov 12 15:37:57 CST 2013
Setting up sar.
Setting up iostat.
Setting up mpstat.
Setting up vmstat.
Setting up top.
Setting up meminfo.
Setting up proc-interrupts.
Profilers start at: Tue Nov 12 15:37:57 CST 2013
starting sar.default [5]
starting iostat.default [5] [mode=disks]
starting mpstat.default [5]
starting vmstat.default [5]
Starting top.
starting meminfo.default [5]
starting proc-interrupts.default [5]
Waiting for 60 seconds.
Stopping sar.
Stopping iostat.
Stopping mpstat.
Stopping vmstat.
Stopping top.
Stopping meminfo.
Stopping interrupts.
Profilers stop at: Tue Nov 12 15:38:57 CST 2013
Processing sar data.
Processing iostat data.
Processing mpstat data.
Processing vmstat data.
Processing top data.
Processing meminfo data.
Processing interrupts data.
Setting up
Gathering system information
Finishing time: Tue Nov 12 15:39:09 CST 2013
Packaging collected is in /tmp/

As the output reports at the end, the resulting data file is located in the
/tmp directory.  An alternative use case for LPCPU is to use it to profile the
entire lifecycle of a program.  In order to use it in this fashion, invoke the
script using the following syntax:

  ./ cmd="<command to run with arguments>"

For example:

  ./ cmd="dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null bs=1M count=1024"

Another useful command line parameter is available to invoke additional 
profiling tools that are not included in the default list of tools to run.
These tools are not included in the default list because they either have
special requirements, high overhead, or are specific to certain environments.

In order to invoke these tools use the following syntax:

  ./ extra_profilers="<list of profilers>"

For example:

  ./ extra_profilers="oprofile"


  ./ extra_profilers="perf"


  ./ extra_profilers="kvm"


  ./ extra_profilers="ftrace"


  ./ extra_profilers="tcpdump"

Multiple non-default profilers can be specified using a quoted list.

For example:

  ./ extra_profilers="perf kvm"

For a complete list of the non-default profilers please see the script.
NOTE: oprofile and perf are mutually exclusive.

3. Postprocesssing the data

In order to complete the data collection a script, must be
executed from within the directory structure created by the script.
This step is left to the user so that it can be carried out after testing is
complete or even on a different system if desired.

The script takes a single required argument which is the location
of the LPCPU distribution directory.  The script requires the location of the
LPCPU distribution directory so that it can find utilities required to complete
the post processing and graphing of the data.

root@host:/tmp$ tar xjf

root@host:/tmp$ cd

root@host /tmp/ $ ./ ~/lpcpu
Processing Directory : sar.breakout.default.001
ERROR: Could not open sar.pwr_mgmt.  WARNING: This data may not exist in your version of sar.
Loaded block device hierarchy data from block-device-hierarchy.dat
Processing File : iostat.default.001
Discovered iostat_type=[disks]
Processing File : mpstat.default.001
Using guest mode
postprocess-mpstat: Loading topology archive from ./system-topology.dump
Processing File : vmstat.default.001
Discovered vmstat_interval=[5]
Processing File : meminfo-watch.default.001
Processing File : proc-interrupts.default.001
postprocess-proc-interrupts: Loading topology archive from ./system-topology.dump
    MANAGER : Jobs:             16
    MANAGER : Parallel Threads: 16
    MANAGER : Starting threads: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
    MANAGER : 2013-11-12 15:40:43 : There are 16 jobs waiting in the queue
        WORKER : thread=[15] starting
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:40:43 : thread=[15] retrieved job=[0]
        WORKER : thread=[7] starting
        WORKER : thread=[10] starting
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:40:43 : thread=[7] retrieved job=[1]
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:40:43 : thread=[10] retrieved job=[2]
        WORKER : thread=[12] starting
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:40:43 : thread=[12] retrieved job=[3]
        WORKER : thread=[6] starting
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:40:43 : thread=[6] retrieved job=[4]
        WORKER : thread=[3] starting
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:40:43 : thread=[3] retrieved job=[5]
        WORKER : thread=[4] starting
        WORKER : thread=[0] starting
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:40:43 : thread=[4] retrieved job=[6]
        WORKER : thread=[5] starting
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:40:43 : thread=[0] retrieved job=[7]
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:40:43 : thread=[5] retrieved job=[8]
        WORKER : thread=[2] starting
        WORKER : thread=[1] starting
        WORKER : thread=[14] starting
        WORKER : thread=[8] starting
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:40:43 : thread=[8] retrieved job=[12]
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:40:43 : thread=[1] retrieved job=[10]
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:40:43 : thread=[14] retrieved job=[11]
        WORKER : thread=[13] starting
        WORKER : thread=[9] starting
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:40:43 : thread=[2] retrieved job=[9]
        WORKER : thread=[11] starting
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:40:43 : thread=[13] retrieved job=[13]
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:40:43 : thread=[9] retrieved job=[14]
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:40:43 : thread=[11] retrieved job=[15]
    MANAGER : 2013-11-12 15:40:44 : Signaling worker threads that all jobs are consumed
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:40:45 : thread=[13] finished after processing 1 job(s)
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:40:46 : thread=[5] finished after processing 1 job(s)
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:40:46 : thread=[10] finished after processing 1 job(s)
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:40:46 : thread=[7] finished after processing 1 job(s)
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:40:46 : thread=[2] finished after processing 1 job(s)
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:40:46 : thread=[3] finished after processing 1 job(s)
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:40:47 : thread=[4] finished after processing 1 job(s)
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:40:47 : thread=[12] finished after processing 1 job(s)
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:40:47 : thread=[1] finished after processing 1 job(s)
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:40:47 : thread=[6] finished after processing 1 job(s)
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:40:47 : thread=[0] finished after processing 1 job(s)
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:40:47 : thread=[11] finished after processing 1 job(s)
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:40:47 : thread=[9] finished after processing 1 job(s)
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:40:47 : thread=[15] finished after processing 1 job(s)
    MANAGER : 2013-11-12 15:40:48 : There are 2 threads still processing jobs
    MANAGER : 2013-11-12 15:40:53 : There are 2 threads still processing jobs
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:40:58 : thread=[8] finished after processing 1 job(s)
    MANAGER : 2013-11-12 15:40:58 : There are 1 threads still processing jobs
        WORKER : 2013-11-12 15:41:00 : thread=[14] finished after processing 1 job(s)
Scalars leaked: 1
Scalars leaked: 1
Scalars leaked: 1
Scalars leaked: 1
Scalars leaked: 1
Scalars leaked: 1
Scalars leaked: 1
Scalars leaked: 1
Scalars leaked: 1
Scalars leaked: 1
Scalars leaked: 1
Scalars leaked: 1
Scalars leaked: 1
Scalars leaked: 1
Scalars leaked: 1
Scalars leaked: 1
    MANAGER : Queue processing took 17 second(s)
Scalars leaked: 1

When the script is executed it is possible that some errors may
occur.  They are not necessarily fatal.  Some environments are lacking certain
tools or versions of tools that may be used for parts of the data collection.
In that event there will be a small impact to the available data but overall
there should be plenty of usable information.

4. Viewing the results

The script also has a second, optional argument that is used to
force the use of an older charting technique (known as  The charting
capabilities in LPCPU have recently been updated to produce dynamic charts using
Javascript with a new technique called jschart.  These charts require a "modern"
browser (Firefox/Internet Explorer/Chrome/Safari) and potentially could have
functional/performance issues in some environments (older browsers, extremely
large datasets, etc.) so the ability to force LPCPU to generate the older style
of charts is provided.  To do so, invoke in the following way:

  ./ <path to lpcpu>

For example:

  ./ ~/lpcpu

When the processing phase is complete, the directory will contain a summary.html
file that can be loaded into a browser to assist in navigating the profiled

Due to security considerations, some browsers will not allow the jschart code to
load the chart data files when run "locally" (i.e., without a web server
delivering the files to the browser).  In the environments that this has been
tested on, Chrome and Internet Explorer have this restriction while Firefox does
not.  For browsers that enforce this behavior, the data collected by LPCPU must
be served by a web server in order to view the dynamic charts that jschart
provides.  You can either use your own web server (any will do), or a small
Python script ( is included in the results package.  This
script will launch a small web server for local access and is easily stopped
with a CTRL-C when you are done.  Here is an example of the lifecycle of that

user@host: /tmp/lpcpu_data$ ./
Using your browser, open to view profiler data charts or to browse all collected data.
Press CTRL-C to quit...
SIGINT received: Stopping web server...
Shutdown complete
user@host: /tmp/lpcpu_data$

The new jschart functionality requires the use of a two different third party
libraries.  By default, the pages that are generated by the
script will instruct the browser to load those libraries from the Internet, so
you will need to have Internet access when viewing the data.  If you need to be
able to access the charts without Internet access, you can download the
libraries into your LPCPU distribution by executing the following script:


Executing this script will download the libraries and place them into the LPCPU
distribution.  It will then use those libraries when generating the data so no
Internet access will be required.  If you wish to host your data for viewing on
an SSL secured web server (HTTPS), you may be forced to use this ability to host
the libraries locally, because some browsers will not load external resources
when in a secured browser session.

Using jschart has several advantages over that should make using LPCPU
for performance analysis easier.  First, unlike (which will only run on
an x86 Linux box), jschart has no architectural dependency issues.  Second,
jschart defers the generation of the charts to the web browser client, so
executing should be noticeably faster than before.  This does
place some requirements on the client, such as the use of a modern browser, but
it also brings several additional advantages.  The charts are now dynamic, with
the user having the ability to pan and/or zoom the charting area and selecting a
specific dataset to focus on.  Click the "Help" link on a chart for additional


Linux Performance Customer Profiler Utility







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