The devhub previewer image is pushed to the Dockerhub registry so that users do not need access the cluster
in order to preview devhub content. The CD process for this is fairly simple. It consists of the stage
___ found within the web Jenkinsfile
This stage triggers the bcdk .pipeline
script which processes and applies the devhub-previewer.bc.yaml
What happens is the image for the devhub is built that contains the application code plus Node JS. This image is then pushed to Dockerhub under the bcgovimages namespace.
There are a few things that need to be sorted in order to push images to external registries. The guideline that was followed is here.
To Summarize you require:
- create a secret within your tools name space that contains the docker registry secret
oc create secret docker-registry dockerhub --docker-server=DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER --docker-username=DOCKER_USER --docker-password=DOCKER_PASSWORD --docker-email=DOCKER_EMAIL
you will need org access to bcgovimages in order for your credentials to have access to push images
- then the
<tools namespace>/builder
service account will need a reference to this secret
# builder sa yaml
apiVersion: v1
- name: builder-dockercfg-dfsdfsd
kind: ServiceAccount
creationTimestamp: 2018-07-17T18:53:23Z
name: builder
namespace: devhub-tools
resourceVersion: "857494024"
selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/devhub-tools/serviceaccounts/builder
uid: ae8f88f3-89f2-11e8-9dd8-0050568379a2
- name: builder-token-adsfasd
- name: builder-dockercfg-fsadfasdfasd
- name: #<secret name here>
- The build config output strategy must reference
and point to the correct image in Dockerhub in addition the push secret must also be referenced
kind: DockerImage
name: bcgovimages/devhub-previewer
name: #<secret name here>