Versioning in Maven can be a pain if you're doing continuous delivery. One solution is to have your version be parameterized like so: <version>${revision}</version>
. The problem with this is approach is that when the resulting pom gets deployed it still contains the expression ${revision}
. This causes all sorts of weird issues especially in multi-module projects as well as tools like Ivy which validate the pom files.
This plugin replaces those expressions with their resolved values. Only supports variables 'blessed' in 3.2.x: revision, sha1, and changelist.
In order to have the properties subsituted you need to either pass the variable as a system property, for example using the environment variables available from jenkins like this: -Drevision=${BUILD_NUMBER}-${GIT_REVISION}
, or you can use the <properties><revision>99-SNAPSHOT</revision></properties>
method as well. It could also be used in conjunction with
something like the Maven Properties Extension to make it dynamic:
. Keep in mind that any properties substituted need to be
available at the very beginning of the build lifecycle, they cannot be properties contributed by a plugin.
This will create a file release.pom
right next to each pom file with the expressions replaced so you will also want to add this to your .gitignore file.