The SWB Region Editor is a standalone tool for creating and editing regions for SWGEmu. It is based on an old (2018) version of the full SWB editor that I have recovered and polished up due to the utility it provided.
SWB is powered by a custom engine that can parse and render most SWG files effectively.
- 1: Switch to Translate gizmo
- 2: Switch to Scale gizmo
- Drag from the icons on the left to place a new region
- Shift: Toggle movement speed
- E/Q: Move up/down
- W/S/A/D: Move forward/backward/left/right
- Right-click: Rotate the camera
- Shift: Toggle movement speed
- E/Q: Zoom in/out
- W/S/A/D: Translate view
- Right-click: Translate view
This project wouldn’t have been possible without the contributions of the SWGEmu and MTG teams, both past and present.
The editor relies on the following open-source libraries. License details can be found at their respective URLs or in third_party_licenses.txt
- - Some shaders and parts of the rendering pipeline come from the excellent Wicked Engine
- - GUI
- - Utilities for image loading and processing
- - Handles windowing and input
- - Entity Component System (ECS) framework
- - Texture loading
- - Threading/task system