This is a simple API Gateway that allows you to configure a Telegram webhook destination in a New Relic Workflow to send alerts to a Telegram channel or group.
You must first create a Telegram Bot and add it to your channel/group as an admin:
- Create a Telegram channel or group
- Add @BotFather to the channel/group and make it an admin
- Follow instructions to create a new bot
- Note bot API key
Get chat id for group or channel. Must already have messages in group/channel or this returns empty array:[BOT_API_KEY]/getUpdates
Send message to bot using chat id:[BOT_API_KEY]/sendMessage?chat_id=[CHAT_ID]&text=[MESSAGE]
Curl example (Windows) when Express server is running:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3000 -d "{"telegramBotAPIKey":"[BOT_API_KEY]", "telegramChatID":"[CHAT_ID]", "telegramMessage":"[MESSAGE]"}"