Flat JSON file database for Node
- Serverless
- Speedy
- Evented
- 50+ methods coming from Lo-Dash
LowDB is built on Lo-Dash, this makes it quite different and unique compared to other serverless databases often based on MongoDB API.
LowDB powers JSON Server and JSONPlaceholder.
If you need something similar for the browser, check Underscore.db.
var low = require('lowdb')
low('songs').insert({title: 'low!'})
Database is automatically created and saved to db.json
in a readable format.
"songs": [
"title": "low!",
"id": "e31aa48c-a9d8-4f79-9fce-ded4c16c3c4c"
To query data, you can use Lo-Dash methods.
var songs = low('songs').where({ title: 'low!' }).value()
Or LowDB equivalent short syntax.
var songs = low('songs', { title: 'low!' })
Changes can also be monitored.
low.on('add', function(name, object) {
console.log(object + 'added to' + name)
get x 1000 0.837708 ms
update x 1000 4.433322 ms
insert x 1000 11.78481 ms
remove x 1000 24.60179 ms
To run the benchmark on your machine, clone the project and run npm install && npm run benchmark
Returns or create a Lo-Dash wrapped array.
You can then use methods like: where
, find
, filter
, sortBy
, groupBy
, ... and also methods from Underscore.db.
var topFiveSongs = low('songs')
.where({published: true})
var songTitles = low('songs')
var total = low('songs').size()
If you just want to modify the database, without getting the returned array or object, you can omit .value()
Saves database to path
or low.path
. By default db.json
Loads database from path
or low.path
. By default db.json
Database location. By default db.json
low.path = '/some/path/file.json'
Set to false
to disable save on change, this turns LowDB into a read-only in-memory database. By default true
low.autoSave = true
- add(collectionName, insertedDoc)
- update(collectionName, updatedDoc, previousDoc)
- remove(collectionName, removedDoc)
- change()
LowDB short syntax covers only the most common operations but lets you write really concise code.
low('songs', id)
// == low('songs').get(id).value()
low('songs', {title: 'low!'})
// == low('songs').where({title: 'low!'}).value()
low('songs', {title: 'low!'}, +1)
// == low('songs').insert({title: 'low!'}).value()
low('songs', {title: 'low!'}, -1)
// == low('songs').removeWhere({title: 'low!'}).value()
low('songs', id, -1)
// == low('songs').remove(id).value()
low('songs', id, {title: 'new title'})
// == low('songs').update(id, {title: 'new title'}).value()
low('songs', {published: false}, {published: true})
// == low('songs').updateWhere({published: false}, {published: true}).value()
How is database saved?
Database is only saved to disk when you call insert
, update
, updateWhere
, remove
, removeWhere
Also writing is synchronous but throttled to keep things fast.
Here's an example to illustrate:
low('posts').insert({ title: 'foo' }) // database is persisted synchronously
low('posts').insert({ title: 'foo' }) // database is not persisted
low('posts').insert({ title: 'foo' }) // database is not persisted
// 100 ms later database will be persisted synchronously
So in 1 second, LowDB will make, at most, 10 synchronous writes.
Future versions of LowDB may be fully asynchronous.
Does it support concurrency?
Yes. Node being single threaded and changes to database being synchronously written, there's no risk of having concurrency problems.
LowDB is released under the MIT License.