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James M.S. Cowey edited this page Mar 21, 2022 · 16 revisions

Processes involved in the production of Pylon

Writing the article and having it accepted

  • A contribution is submitted in word processed file (.docx . pages .odt) to the editorial board
    • This file is sent back to author(s), if improvements are suggested, before being resent to the board
    • This process can be repeated as often as is necessary until both parties are satisfied

Further mark up of the article before final submission

  • Once the article has reached the stage that it is acceptable both to author(s) and editorial board, authors are asked to provide extra mark up to the article (all done in whatever format has been used - .docx . pages .odt)
    • various sections of the article have to be indicated
    • any Greek, Latin, Coptic (or other languages) texts which are edited in the article should be transformed into EpiDoc using the Leiden+ system available in
    • the same transformation into Leiden+ is also required for any translations of the edited texts

Conversion of the word processed article to EpiDoc XML

  • The article must now be saved in .docx format
  • This is then uploaded to the sources folder in P3-processing. The upload must be committed.
  • Now the transformations take place and the XML file is available in the articles folder (about 60 seconds)

Transferring the XML to gitlab (UB Heidelberg) repository of the Papyrological Publishing Platform

  • The XML file is now uploaded to the epidoc folder of the repository files
  • The transformation of the XML file into both HTML and PDF now takes place (usually less than 20 seconds)
  • At this stage corrections can be made directly to the XML and committed with more or less instanteous visibility


  • Images of papyri should be provided by the authors on submission of the article.
  • Images, which are to appear in the HTML version of the article, are uploaded to heidICON
    • Any changes that are made to images should be done by the author. These new versions will have to replace the previous ones in heidICON.