While working on DDB Editorial Board submissions the following file appeared: https://papyri.info/editor/publications/95932/ddb_identifiers/219829/editxml
In it there were corrections made to the text:
<app type="editorial"><lem resp="W.G. Claytor, TM Arch 663 (Version 1, 2021) 1"><supplied reason="lost">Σαβείνου</supplied></lem><rdg><gap reason="lost" quantity="6" unit="character"/></rdg></app>
<app type="editorial"><lem resp="W.G. Claytor, TM Arch 663 (Version 1, 2021) 1"><supplied reason="lost">Σαβεῖνο</supplied>ς</lem><rdg><gap reason="lost" quantity="6" unit="character"/>ς</rdg></app>
The element
<lem resp="W.G. Claytor, TM Arch 663 (Version 1, 2021) 1">
is not so good on two levels
TM Arch 663 (Version 1, 2021) 1
is relatively arcane- there is no link to https://www.trismegistos.org/arch/archives/pdf/663.pdf
Seeing the name of the person correcting is however good.
On a different but P3 related topic. One has to skim read the whole PDF to get the information. The relevant information is in paragraph 2 of the Description: This is not hard because the whole PDF is small, but imagine the PDF is much longer. To be able to point at the paragraph / footnote of the PDF for where one finds the information would be optimal. This is why it should be possible to guide to a paragraph with a clear URL reference.