to run this blog
gem install jekyll
git clone
jekyll serve -w
- to compile less files into css
- -x is the minify flag
- the css file will get auto copied to site/assets/css
- important, any changes made in assets/css wil get copied to site/assets
- so the less recomiple may or may not be necessary depending on purpose.
lessc assets/less/main.less > assets/css/main.min.css -x
- comments?
- create a script that will publish issues to repo's that i'm a contributor on
- get the repo reviewed by a more senior coder, make sure i'm not crazy
- tdd the ajaxy cors stuff ?
- create something to disable the buttons while 'in transit', this is such an interesting one, does it really matter, ie, will it really impact conversions ?
- improve scripts on links that need it
- ajaxify a review object, with tests, and screencast
- ajaxify a tags has and belongs to many object, use angular, and screencast