A "playground" for cellular automata. Initially just Conway's Game of Life (hence the name, C GoL...)
In C++ with raw OpenGL
- ESC: Closes the application;
- ENTER: Start/stop simulation;
- SPACE: Expand menu(s);
- M1 / LEFT MOUSE: Make cell "alive" at cursor;
- SHIFT + M1: "Kill" cell at cursor;
- T: Toggles thread usage (WIP — can break)
- R: Randomly fills the grid with "live" cells;
- C: Clears the grid;
- X: Toggle cursor shape;
- 1: Brian's Brain Automaton;
- 2: Day & Night Automaton;
- 3: Disease Automaton (a variation on Life);
- 4: Live Free or Die Automaton;
- 5: Life Automaton;
- P: Toggles plague mode (Only available when Life is active);
- 6: Rule 0 Automaton - Kinda Snowflake-y;
- 7: Rule 180 Automaton - Vertical Rule90;
- 8: Rule 90 Automaton;
- 9: Seeds Automaton;
- 0: Sand Simulation;
- W: Toggles between Water and Sand cells;
- CTRL + Click: Immovable cells;
- "+": Step once through simulation*;
- SHIFT + "+": Continuously step through simulation*;
- ARROW UP & DOWN: Increase/decrease tickrate (higher is slower);
- ARROW RIGHT & LEFT: Increase/decrease cell size (SHIFT + KEY increases more per click);
- "." & ",": Increase/decrease cursor radius;
* GLFW reads this as GLFW_KEY_EQUAL on MacOs so it might not be the same key depending on your layout.
Copy into your terminal while on the parent directory:
cmake -B build --fresh && cmake --build build
If everything goes as it's supposed to, you should find the built executable in the bin directory. If you're on Windows, good luck!
To run it: