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Brande committed Jul 23, 2019
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<p style="font-style: normal;">In my spare time, I like to

<p>This is the most updated version of a talk I've given a few times about my JWST observation simulation work, pending completion of the associated paper. Preliminary results were presented at the Chesapeake Bay Exoplanet meeting in September 2018, the American Geophysical Union meeting in December 2018, the American Astronomical Society meeting in January 2019, and as colloquia at the UMD Observatory in January 2019 and Goddard's Sciences and Exploration Directorate Director's Seminar in February 2019.
<a href="Brande_SED.pdf"><u>The Feasibility of Directly Imaging Cold Planets with MIRI/JWST</u></a>


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Expand All @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ <h1>Yoni Brande</h1>
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<!--<span class="date">April 25, 2017</span>-->
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<p style="font-style: normal;">I'm an astronomer working as a research assistant in the Planetary Systems Lab at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and the University of Maryland Astronomy Department. I graduated from UMD in December of 2017 and have been at Goddard since January 2018. Most of my work concerns exoplanet detection and characterization, merging theory and observations to more fully describe our cosmic neighborhood.
<p style="font-style: normal;">I'm an astronomer working as a research assistant in the Planetary Systems Lab at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and the University of Maryland Astronomy Department. I graduated from UMD in December of 2017 and have been at Goddard since January 2018. Most of my work concerns exoplanet detection and characterization, merging simulations and observations to more fully describe our cosmic neighborhood.
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93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions orbview.html
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<!-- saved from url=(0053) -->
<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><title> Orbit Elements (3D) </title>
</head><body bgcolor="white">

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<script src="orbview_files/three.min.js"></script>
<script src="orbview_files/OrbitControls.js"></script>
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<script> var static_location = "orbview_files/orbit_data.txt";</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="orbview_files/orbview.js"></script>

<h3><a href="">Larger GIF Image</a> &nbsp;
<a href="">Black/White PDF Plot</a>

<div id="orbit_view" style="width:250px;height:250px">

<A HREF= "/datadir/tmp/20180213/19349598b.gif">
<IMG align=left SRC="/datadir/tmp/20180213/19349598.gif"></A>
<BR clear=left>

<a name="description"><h2> Orbit Type: Ellipse </h2>

The <strong> <font color="limegreen">LARGE GREEN DOT </font></strong>is the central object (the Sun).<br>

The planetary orbit is drawn in <strong><font color="red">RED</font></strong>
when the orbit is in or above the XY plane and <strong><font color="blue">BLUE</font></strong>
when the orbit is below the XY plane. <br>

The <strong><font color="red">LARGE RED DOT</font></strong> indicates the position of the
planet along its orbit. <br>

The <strong><font color="orange">YELLOW LINE</font></strong> is the Sun-Planet vector.<br>

The <strong><font color="magenta">MAGENTA LINE</font></strong> indicates the location of pericenter.<br>

The <strong><font color="cyan">CYAN LINE</font></strong> shows the ascending
node of the orbit on the XY plane.<br>

The <strong><font color="orange">YELLOW TRIANGLES</font></strong> point in the direction of
orbital motion and are spaced at equal time intervals.

<h2>Orbital Elements:</h2>

</p><pre> 1. semimajor axis = 1.50000000 AU
pericenter distance = 0.60000000 AU
2. eccentricity = 0.60000000
3. inclination = 20.000 degrees
4. Longitude of Ascending Node = 120.000 degrees
5. Argument of Pericenter = 30.000 degrees
Longitude of Pericenter = 150.000 degrees
6. True Anomaly = -85.000 degrees
Eccentric Anomaly = -49.231 degrees
Mean Anomaly = -23.195 degrees
Argument of Latitude = -55.000 degrees
Mean Arg. of Latitude = 6.805 degrees
True Longitude = 65.000 degrees
Mean Longitude = 126.805 degrees
<h3>Orbital Element Explanation:</h3>

<ul> <li> Angles are measured counter-clockwise between the<strong>
Reference Direction </strong> and the <strong> Ascending

</li><li> Angles are measured in the direction of orbital motion between the
<strong> Ascending Node </strong> and the <strong> Location of the
Planet</strong>. <br>

<table border="1" cellpadding="1"><tbody><tr><td colspan="30"><strong> Angles </strong></td><td colspan="40"><strong> Measured From </strong></td><td colspan="40"><strong> Measured To </strong></td> </tr><tr><td colspan="30"><strong> Longitude </strong></td><td colspan="40"><center> Positive x-axis </center></td><td colspan="40"><center> </center></td> </tr><tr><td colspan="30"><strong> Argument </strong></td><td colspan="40"><center> Ascending Node </center></td><td colspan="40"><center> </center></td> </tr><tr><td colspan="30"><strong> Anomaly </strong></td><td colspan="40"><center> Pericenter </center></td><td colspan="40"><center> </center></td> </tr><tr><td colspan="30"><strong> Node </strong></td><td colspan="40"><center> </center></td><td colspan="40"><center> Ascending Node </center></td> </tr><tr><td colspan="30"><strong> Pericenter </strong></td><td colspan="40"><center> </center></td><td colspan="40"><center> Pericenter </center></td> </tr><tr><td colspan="30"><strong> True </strong></td><td colspan="40"><center> </center></td><td colspan="40"><center> Planet Location </center></td> </tr><tr><td colspan="30"><strong> Latitude </strong></td><td colspan="40"><center> </center></td><td colspan="40"><center> Planet Location </center></td> </tr><tr><td colspan="30"><strong> Mean </strong></td><td colspan="40"><center> </center></td><td colspan="40"><center> Planet Location* </center></td> </tr><tr></tr></tbody></table>* If the planet moved at a constant angular rate (its mean rate).

</a><p><a name="description">
</a><a href=""><img align="middle" src="orbview_files/backarrow.gif">Return to Orbit Elements (3D) </a></p><p>
<i>Orbit Elements (3D) written by Dr. Douglas P. Hamilton</i></p><p>

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