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GeoTrellis COGs benchmark (S3 backend)

This project performs S3 IO measurements.

The intention is to compare the classic GeoTrellis Avro Ingest and the new GeoTrellis COG Ingest

These tests include ValueReaders tests, it means that no Spark is required for these tests.

Currently spark throws the following exception for these tests:

java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Futures timed out after [100000 milliseconds]
	at scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise.ready(Promise.scala:219)
	at scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise.result(Promise.scala:223)
	at org.apache.spark.util.ThreadUtils$.awaitResult(ThreadUtils.scala:201)
	at org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.ApplicationMaster.runDriver(ApplicationMaster.scala:401)
	at org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.ApplicationMaster$$anonfun$main$1.apply$mcV$sp(ApplicationMaster.scala:764)
	at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkHadoopUtil$$anon$
	at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkHadoopUtil$$anon$
	at Method)
	at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkHadoopUtil.runAsSparkUser(SparkHadoopUtil.scala:66)
	at org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.ApplicationMaster$.main(ApplicationMaster.scala:762)
	at org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.ApplicationMaster.main(ApplicationMaster.scala)

Data set info:

  • URI: s3://gt-rasters/nlcd/2011/tiles
  • Metadata: 16 Objects - 5.3 GB

Was performed a SpatialIngest

  • Avro Layer:
    • URI: s3://geotrellis-test/daunnc/cog-benchmark/avro-3
    • Max zoom level: 13
    • KeyBounds: KeyBounds(SpatialKey(1132,2673),SpatialKey(2647,3584))
    • Size (all zoom levels): 1824189 Objects - 10.0 GB
    • Ingest time (~): 3,017,823 ms
    • CMD: cd scripts; make make benchmark-avro-ingest
  • COG Layer (no compression):
    • URI: s3://geotrellis-test/daunnc/cog-benchmark/cog-3
    • Max zoom level: 13
    • KeyBounds: KeyBounds(SpatialKey(1132,2673),SpatialKey(2647,3584))
    • Size (all zoom levels): 5522 Objects - 114.7 GB
    • Ingest time (~): 2,664,556 ms
    • CMD: cd scripts; make make benchmark-cog-ingest
  • COG Layer (deflate compression):
    • URI: s3://geotrellis-test/daunnc/cog-benchmark/cogc-3
    • Max zoom level: 13
    • KeyBounds: KeyBounds(SpatialKey(1132,2673),SpatialKey(2647,3584))
    • Size (all zoom levels): 5522 Objects - 9.7 GB
    • Ingest time (~): 2,775,428 ms
    • CMD: cd scripts; make make benchmark-cog-ingest-compression

Avro vs COGs

InputPath: s3://gt-rasters/nlcd/2011/tiles
AvroPath: s3://geotrellis-test/daunnc/cog-benchmark/avro-3
COGPath: s3://geotrellis-test/daunnc/cog-benchmark/cog-3
AvroLayer: avroLayer
COGLayer: cogLayer
ValueReadersExt: Some(Extent(-1.4499798517584793E7, 6413372.421239428, -1.4421527000620775E7, 6961273.039987572))
LayerReadersExt: Some(Extent(-1.5499798517584793E7, 3945781.478164045, -1.0975542095495135E7, 7961273.039987572))
==========READS BENCHMARK, zoom lvl 13 (bounded by extent)========
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 444857
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: 165,385 ms
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 13
COGBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 444857
COGBench.runLayerReader:: 99,875 ms
COGBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 13
AvroBench.runValueReader:: 61 ms
AvroBench.runValueReader:: total time: 110367 ms
AvroBench.runValueReader:: avg number of tiles: 1792
AvroBench.runValueReader:: zoom levels: 13
COGBench.runValueReader:: 109 ms
COGBench.runValueReader:: total time: 195674 ms
COGBench.runValueReader:: avg number of tiles: 1792
COGBench.runValueReader:: zoom levels: 13
==========READS BENCHMARK, zoom lvl 10 (bounded by extent)========
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 7098
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: 4,044 ms
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 10
COGBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 7098
COGBench.runLayerReader:: 10,555 ms
COGBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 10
AvroBench.runValueReader:: 14 ms
AvroBench.runValueReader:: total time: 633 ms
AvroBench.runValueReader:: avg number of tiles: 45
AvroBench.runValueReader:: zoom levels: 10
COGBench.runValueReader:: 65 ms
COGBench.runValueReader:: total time: 2943 ms
COGBench.runValueReader:: avg number of tiles: 45
COGBench.runValueReader:: zoom levels: 10
==========READS BENCHMARK, zoom lvl 9 (bounded by extent)========
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 1794
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: 2,209 ms
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 9
COGBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 1794
COGBench.runLayerReader:: 8,818 ms
COGBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 9
AvroBench.runValueReader:: 40 ms
AvroBench.runValueReader:: total time: 123993 ms
AvroBench.runValueReader:: avg number of tiles: 3068
AvroBench.runValueReader:: zoom levels: 9
COGBench.runValueReader:: 84 ms
COGBench.runValueReader:: total time: 259773 ms
COGBench.runValueReader:: avg number of tiles: 3068
COGBench.runValueReader:: zoom levels: 9
==========READS BENCHMARK, zoom lvl 9========
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 5495
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: 2,755 ms
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 9
COGBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 5495
COGBench.runLayerReader:: 24,803 ms
COGBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 9
==========READS BENCHMARK, zoom lvl 8 (bounded by extent)========
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 460
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: 914 ms
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 8
COGBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 460
COGBench.runLayerReader:: 5,091 ms
COGBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 8
AvroBench.runValueReader:: 34 ms
AvroBench.runValueReader:: total time: 26773 ms
AvroBench.runValueReader:: avg number of tiles: 780
AvroBench.runValueReader:: zoom levels: 8
COGBench.runValueReader:: 78 ms
COGBench.runValueReader:: total time: 61275 ms
COGBench.runValueReader:: avg number of tiles: 780
COGBench.runValueReader:: zoom levels: 8
==========READS BENCHMARK, zoom lvl 8========
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 1418
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: 1,508 ms
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 8
COGBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 1437
COGBench.runLayerReader:: 5,226 ms
COGBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 8
==========READS BENCHMARK, zoom lvl 5 (bounded by extent)========
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 12
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: 633 ms
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 5
COGBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 12
COGBench.runLayerReader:: 1,224 ms
COGBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 5
AvroBench.runValueReader:: 18 ms
AvroBench.runValueReader:: total time: 361 ms
AvroBench.runValueReader:: avg number of tiles: 20
AvroBench.runValueReader:: zoom levels: 5
COGBench.runValueReader:: 49 ms
COGBench.runValueReader:: total time: 994 ms
COGBench.runValueReader:: avg number of tiles: 20
COGBench.runValueReader:: zoom levels: 5
==========READS BENCHMARK, zoom lvl 5========
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 34
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: 533 ms
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 5
COGBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 34
COGBench.runLayerReader:: 757 ms
COGBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 5
AvroBench.runValueReader:: 25 ms
AvroBench.runValueReader:: total time: 907 ms
AvroBench.runValueReader:: avg number of tiles: 35
AvroBench.runValueReader:: zoom levels: 5
COGBench.runValueReader:: 72 ms
COGBench.runValueReader:: total time: 2528 ms
COGBench.runValueReader:: avg number of tiles: 35
COGBench.runValueReader:: zoom levels: 5

Avro vs Compressed COGs

InputPath: s3://gt-rasters/nlcd/2011/tiles
AvroPath: s3://geotrellis-test/daunnc/cog-benchmark/avro-3
COGCompressedPath: s3://geotrellis-test/daunnc/cog-benchmark/cogc-3
AvroLayer: avroLayer
COGLayer: cogLayer
ValueReadersExt: Some(Extent(-1.4499798517584793E7, 6413372.421239428, -1.4421527000620775E7, 6961273.039987572))
LayerReadersExt: Some(Extent(-1.5499798517584793E7, 3945781.478164045, -1.0975542095495135E7, 7961273.039987572))
==========READSC BENCHMARK, zoom lvl 13 (bounded by extent)========
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 444857
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: 169,755 ms
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 13
COGBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 444857
COGBench.runLayerReader:: 63,891 ms
COGBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 13
AvroBench.runValueReader:: 60 ms
AvroBench.runValueReader:: total time: 108333 ms
AvroBench.runValueReader:: avg number of tiles: 1792
AvroBench.runValueReader:: zoom levels: 13
COGBench.runValueReader:: 77 ms
COGBench.runValueReader:: total time: 139716 ms
COGBench.runValueReader:: avg number of tiles: 1792
COGBench.runValueReader:: zoom levels: 13
==========READSC BENCHMARK, zoom lvl 10 (bounded by extent)========
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 7098
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: 4,059 ms
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 10
COGBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 7098
COGBench.runLayerReader:: 9,893 ms
COGBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 10
AvroBench.runValueReader:: 23 ms
AvroBench.runValueReader:: total time: 1062 ms
AvroBench.runValueReader:: avg number of tiles: 45
AvroBench.runValueReader:: zoom levels: 10
COGBench.runValueReader:: 42 ms
COGBench.runValueReader:: total time: 1895 ms
COGBench.runValueReader:: avg number of tiles: 45
COGBench.runValueReader:: zoom levels: 10
==========READSC BENCHMARK, zoom lvl 10========
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 21583
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: 7,109 ms
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 10
COGBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 21611
COGBench.runLayerReader:: 28,353 ms
COGBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 10
==========READSC BENCHMARK, zoom lvl 9 (bounded by extent)========
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 1794
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: 1,327 ms
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 9
COGBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 1794
COGBench.runLayerReader:: 6,881 ms
COGBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 9
AvroBench.runValueReader:: 43 ms
AvroBench.runValueReader:: total time: 134099 ms
AvroBench.runValueReader:: avg number of tiles: 3068
AvroBench.runValueReader:: zoom levels: 9
COGBench.runValueReader:: 55 ms
COGBench.runValueReader:: total time: 169954 ms
COGBench.runValueReader:: avg number of tiles: 3068
COGBench.runValueReader:: zoom levels: 9
==========READSC BENCHMARK, zoom lvl 9========
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 5495
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: 2,651 ms
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 9
COGBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 5495
COGBench.runLayerReader:: 20,148 ms
COGBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 9
==========READSC BENCHMARK, zoom lvl 8 (bounded by extent)========
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 460
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: 660 ms
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 8
COGBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 460
COGBench.runLayerReader:: 3,197 ms
COGBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 8
AvroBench.runValueReader:: 35 ms
AvroBench.runValueReader:: total time: 27476 ms
AvroBench.runValueReader:: avg number of tiles: 780
AvroBench.runValueReader:: zoom levels: 8
COGBench.runValueReader:: 70 ms
COGBench.runValueReader:: total time: 55342 ms
COGBench.runValueReader:: avg number of tiles: 780
COGBench.runValueReader:: zoom levels: 8
==========READSC BENCHMARK, zoom lvl 8========
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 1418
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: 1,751 ms
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 8
COGBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 1437
COGBench.runLayerReader:: 2,670 ms
COGBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 8
==========READSC BENCHMARK, zoom lvl 5 (bounded by extent)========
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 12
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: 1,061 ms
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 5
COGBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 12
COGBench.runLayerReader:: 518 ms
COGBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 5
AvroBench.runValueReader:: 14 ms
AvroBench.runValueReader:: total time: 280 ms
AvroBench.runValueReader:: avg number of tiles: 20
AvroBench.runValueReader:: zoom levels: 5
COGBench.runValueReader:: 33 ms
COGBench.runValueReader:: total time: 666 ms
COGBench.runValueReader:: avg number of tiles: 20
COGBench.runValueReader:: zoom levels: 5
==========READSC BENCHMARK, zoom lvl 5========
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 34
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: 756 ms
AvroBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 5
COGBench.runLayerReader:: avg number of tiles: 34
COGBench.runLayerReader:: 866 ms
COGBench.runLayerReader:: zoom levels: 5
AvroBench.runValueReader:: 32 ms
AvroBench.runValueReader:: total time: 1120 ms
AvroBench.runValueReader:: avg number of tiles: 35
AvroBench.runValueReader:: zoom levels: 5
COGBench.runValueReader:: 57 ms
COGBench.runValueReader:: total time: 2005 ms
COGBench.runValueReader:: avg number of tiles: 35
COGBench.runValueReader:: zoom levels: 5


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  • Scala 45.1%
  • Shell 33.1%
  • Makefile 14.4%
  • HCL 4.2%
  • JavaScript 3.2%